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RE: Early Spanish Music from XIII to... (in reply to Castelat)
Nice thread, thanks.
I saw the harp consort live about ten years ago, real nice atmosphere, a real antidote to pompous early music. There are some terrific guitar recordings of the Narvaez, I think my favourite is by Gonzalo Salazar.
Haven't spent any time looking for early music on you tube but checked out some stuff I used to murder on my borrowed lute. This young man is musical enough for me and I am sure Milan would be tickled pink too.
Really struggling to find some decent Miguell de Fuenllana on period instruments but this is pleasant on guitar.
Posts: 113
Joined: Nov. 22 2010
From: The Hispanic Kingdoms
RE: Early Spanish Music from XIII to... (in reply to Castelat)
Thank you guys I'm glad you liked it, there's a lot of composers and its gonna be difficult to put them all, but I'll try to post their best musical works when I have time:
Spanish Renaissance (circa. 1400 - 1600)
Soledad tengo de ti - Juan Vásquez
Señora de Hermosura - Juan del Encina
Señora de hermosura, por quien yo espero perderme, ¿Qué haré para valerme deste mal que tanto dura?
Vuestra vista me causó un dolor cual no pensáis, que si no me remediáis, moriré cuitado yo.
Yo creo que mexor fuera el morir cuando nací, que no que siempre dixera: "Por venceros me vencí".
Y si vuestra hermosura procura siempre perderme, no pienso poder valerme deste mal que tanto dura.
Que si vuestra hermosura del todo quiere perderme, no podré, triste, valerme deste mal que tanto dura.
Posts: 113
Joined: Nov. 22 2010
From: The Hispanic Kingdoms
RE: Early Spanish Music from XIII to... (in reply to Castelat)
Spanish Medieval (circa. 500 - 1400)
Sibila Galaica - Anonymous from Galicia/Asturias/Leon
(Judici Signum) El Cant de la Sibil·la Provençal - Anonymous from Catalunya
This chant was originally sung in Latin and under the name of Judicii Signum, but from the 13th on, versions in Catalan are found. These early Catalan versions of the Judici Signum were not directly translated from Latin. Instead, they all come from a previous adaptation in Provençal, which proves the huge popularity this song must have had in the past.
Posts: 3532
Joined: Oct. 20 2003
From: Phoenix, AZ
RE: Early Spanish Music from XIII to... (in reply to Castelat)
Okay. This is a Canarios by Francisco Guereau. Similar to the famous Sanz Canarios, but more involved. The player looks an awful lot like a guy I saw playing outside Barcelona in that strange suburb Gaudi designed.
RE: Early Spanish Music from XIII to... (in reply to Castelat)
I'm almost finished with a vihuela that I've been building the last two weeks. I'm going to post it's progress in the luthery section soon. Follow it if you like.
How about posting some selections of vihuela music?
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RE: Early Spanish Music from XIII to... (in reply to Castelat)
I've seen that guy in Spain in an early music festival. Great player. Thanks. When I saw him he was playing six course vihuela, now after he switches from the baroque guitar in this video he plays a seven course.
Posts: 113
Joined: Nov. 22 2010
From: The Hispanic Kingdoms
RE: Early Spanish Music from XIII to... (in reply to Castelat)
Thanks Dionisio, very interesting fusion.
Spanish Baroque (circa. 1600 - 1750)
Remember that at these times Latin America was part of Spain (except medieval), no nations existed yet, so if it says, "Peruvian", "Argentinian", "Mexican", etc, was because the manuscripts were found at those countries or the composer was from that region, but not really important, they all were basically one nation, one kingdom, with sub-kingdoms or "vice-royalties".
Grave Tono 1 - Domenico Zipoli
II Largo (La Folia for two violins) - Anonymous
La pureza no se puede perder nunca, cuando uno la lleve dentro de verdad...