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this is the one that had me and my group one half and Jason and Caminos in the other...the festival just put them up on facebook, i thought id share a few ...some very nice lighting...btw...this photographer must have been super man...within seconds in the same scene hes taking photos from the front, back...up above.. then the side...i really have no idea how he /she did it...would they use more than one photographer ? i didn't see any mad photographers running in the theater
EDIT: Sorry i didn't know i was gonna write about this here when i started the thread but its just kind of happened, its in my mind.....I dont really know what the right place or appropriate time for this...but ...
Still recovering from the shock and sadness of Ron's passing (as i am sure we all are), I dont know how you are all dealing with it... i cant touch the guitar or focus on anything its on my mind 24hours, if i think about it long enough i wanna burst into tears...so i am just distracting my mind until my head is clear to write something nice for him, its almost as if i dont wanna accept it and write good bye or anything cause that would be admitting that hes passed.....i should be more mature about this and deal with it better, he would be the first that would tell me to "snap the hell out of it" lol... i knew i would care obviously but its surprised even me of how much its affecting me... it really took it out of me..i would have really loved to have shown this photos to Ron...
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RE: Concert Photos "Spirit Of F... (in reply to Florian)
And a few from Jason who was brilliant ...what an artist !! just looking at the photos now...the stages and lighting look so different like 2 diff theaters
and at the end we all got together and had some fun...did a fin the fiesta ...
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RE: Concert Photos "Spirit Of F... (in reply to koenie17)
Thank you Koenie, unfortunately no...i was sopossed to set up a cam at the back of the theater for myself but soundchek ran late and I didn't have time to get back get changed and run to the back of the theater to set it up so i had to abandon that idea...
RE: Concert Photos "Spirit Of F... (in reply to Ricardo)
No...he had the vocal mic cause he did some talking in between numbers
HEY BTW !! cant remember if i told you but just offstage before he was due to go on in a couple of mins...he was warming up...i sneaked up behind him and said "Need any help with that ? "
you were right, he cracked up and told me the story
Wish I could have been there too.
would have loved that man...but remember our pm conversation
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Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Concert Photos "Spirit Of F... (in reply to Florian)
HEY BTW !! cant remember if i told you but just offstage before he was due to go on in a couple of mins...he was warming up...i sneaked up behind him and said "Need any help with that ? "
you were right, he cracked up and told me the story