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Posts: 1025
Joined: Oct. 14 2009
From: New York City
La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - improved
I had previously reported on La Bella Improved Black Nylon 2001 Flamenco strings, and found that they were indeed improved – intonation problems gone, and sound great.
I just tried the Improved 820 Red Nylon trebles, and same thing – intonation fine, sound terrific. The 820 are exceptionally bright, even more than the 2001. They are pure bright bright, whereas the 2001 black are a more subtle bright – bright with a softer edge, and slightly more body.
But for anyone who really likes very bright, which can sound good for flamenco, depending on the player's preferences, I would recommend trying the 820 to see. Basses very good too – same as the 2001.
Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
ORIGINAL: Prominent Critic
I had previously reported on La Bella Improved Black Nylon 2001 Flamenco strings, and found that they were indeed improved – intonation problems gone, and sound great.
I just tried the Improved 820 Red Nylon trebles, and same thing – intonation fine, sound terrific. The 820 are exceptionally bright, even more than the 2001. They are pure bright bright, whereas the 2001 black are a more subtle bright – bright with a softer edge, and slightly more body.
I found that the intonation was pretty good, except for a B string where the fretted 12th note was VERY VERY slightly flatter.
About the brightness, I find it only slightly brighter than the Daddarios that I had on prior to that. An even brighter string would be the Daddario titanium strings. The string feels and looks thinner than the Daddario ones I had on or the Saverez Red Card strings as well.
Posts: 1025
Joined: Oct. 14 2009
From: New York City
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to HolyEvil)
An even brighter string would be the Daddario titanium strings.
Well, strings can certainly create differences of opinion. By chance just a couple of days ago I put on a set of D'Addario Titanium that a student of mine gave me to try. I found them to be absolutely dreadful. Far from bright they were dull and basically dead sounding. The La Bella 820 Red Flamenco were truly very bright, great flamenco sounding strings.
But we all have to try for ourselves, so I can only give you my opinion. But I would recommend trying the La Bella 820 Red and the 2001 Black. If you do, be sure the package says "New Improved Trebles."
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
I recommend this supplier : https://www.stringsbymail.com/. He offers lower prices and very quick delivery, he propose also Cejillas, metronomes, nail cares...etc
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Argaith)
So you're saying that it's safe to assume that I'll get the new batch anyway?!
I use Stringbusters (as recommended by Kevin), flat rate shipping is £1:50, I have found them helpful in the past - I ordered the wrong strings and they happily replaced them etc., I'm sure if you emailed or phoned them they would let you know.
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
So... are the new sets STILL marked with "new improved trebles" on a yellow sticker? Or is there some other way to ascertain which trebles you got? I just bought some from strings by mail, so I have no idea which ones they are.
I had some non-flamenco strings on my guitar that worked very well despite being kludged together, but they didn't have a lot of projection and were not very full - they were mostly thin (but not tinny), crisp, and dry sounding, with excellent balance and super easy tension (ridiculously so). It was comprised of Oasis normal tension GPX bass strings, a Galli Carbonio 3rd string, and augustine imperial blue 1st and 2nd strings. The imperials had a very sweet singing tone to them and the carbon G string was very sweet too - whereas most other sets sounded thuddy on the G. The tension and balance was so good - especially chorded strumming or rasqueados that I was hesitant to change them out. But I really wanted to try the La Bella 820B.
I put the 820B strings on last night - the jury is still out. The sound is completely different! The G string is itself a step backwards, having a bit of thuddiness to it in comparison to the carbon G string. But it does feel nice, and apparently is intonated better, as is the B string. There are more overtones overall. I am going to wait until the strings are well broken in to pass judgement on tone - I have no idea how long these take to reach their peak sound. But I will say this - they sure tuned up fast, and seem very stable tuning wise. The tension is noticeably higher.
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
I don't believe there are still "non improved" treble sets out there. A few years ago I had one of those "bad treble" sets and the intonation was so off right from the start that they were pretty much unusable. They replaced them for free.
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to MikeChandler)
"Normal" break in period I guess. All the colored trebles I've tried have a dryer sound right from the start when compared to normal ones. They are usually good options to guitars that suffer from the tubby G string syndrome.
Aranjuez and Royal Classics black trebles have been my favourites, other brands weren't that good and Pyramid were absolute crap, even the replacements they sent me.
On my best guitar, I can throw extra heavy tension D'Addario trebles at it and it still sings without a problem... If I put those on my Alhambra 4F it sounds terrible.
Just find what each of your guitars like and stick with it.
Posts: 15469
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to MikeChandler)
ORIGINAL: MikeChandler
That's good news - it sounds like I can assume these are the new-improved as they do not have intonation issues.
Did your 820 strings have a break-in period?
If you play a lot and are good at keeping on your tuning, they break in for me in a couple hours. I just put a set on yesterday, drove 2hrs to gig, did a show they were good to go right away ....after 30 min playing very little adjustment. 820 red set. To help them settle I tune the whole guitar a half step sharp before my car ride.
Also I have an insanely old set on the guitar I use most at home...they sound pretty fresh still.
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
I've strung mine with carbon trebles a few hours ago and right away they are VERY trebly... I hope they don't get even more trebly as they settle but if you're testing the 820's to make up for too much bass/lack of treble, carbons might be the way to go.
They feel funny too but not as funny as Titanium trebles... that's funny.
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Paul Magnussen)
Hmm. No worries about too much tension on the neck?
Not really, it's about the same as using a higher tension set. Besides, after an hour or so, the tuning migh even be below standard. No worries regarding tension and necks.
Posts: 482
Joined: May 6 2009
From: Iran (living in London)
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
Just to share my experience with you folks.
I bought a set of La Bella 820-Red (improved) and a second set was given to me by someone as a present!
I put the first set on my HSL. It sounded good for a few days and then went really dull! I don’t know how to describe it but all in all the guitar didn’t sound all right. I didn’t like the feel either. I kept the strings on for a while hoping that it would be a matter of settling, breaking in, etc but I gave up finally.
Exactly the same experience with the second set, to the point that I was worried that something might have gone wrong with the guitar! It just sounded really bad.
Put a set of the good old D’Addario on; we’re both happy
It just proves that some strings just don’t agree with some guitars. A
Posts: 15469
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Argaith)
Just to share my experience with you folks.
I bought a set of La Bella 820-Red (improved) and a second set was given to me by someone as a present!
I put the first set on my HSL. It sounded good for a few days and then went really dull! I don’t know how to describe it but all in all the guitar didn’t sound all right. I didn’t like the feel either. I kept the strings on for a while hoping that it would be a matter of settling, breaking in, etc but I gave up finally.
Exactly the same experience with the second set, to the point that I was worried that something might have gone wrong with the guitar! It just sounded really bad.
Put a set of the good old D’Addario on; we’re both happy
It just proves that some strings just don’t agree with some guitars. A
My HSL guitar likewise did not prefer them...the tension maybe? Luthiers sound great, amazing really. On other guitars the 820's really sparkle...luthiers don't add anything special. It's odd.
Posts: 482
Joined: May 6 2009
From: Iran (living in London)
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
Which Luthiers do you use on your HSL?
Yes Ricardo, which Luthier string do you use? I've tried Luthier in the past. I can't remember now if I liked the sound or the longevity of them but I certainly didn't like the feel; I found them a bit thin to touch (in my opinion). Perhaps I'll try them again if you could kindly specify the ones that you like.
Posts: 503
Joined: Jun. 14 2014
From: Encinitas, CA USA
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
I haven't changed my strings for a long time I think they were Galli Genius GR90. They were sounding really muddy and rattle-y. I tried some LeBella 820s long time ago and forgot what they sounded like so I decided to try again. Don't like the trebles, very large diameter and harder to play picado, kind of strange clunky sounding, basses are ok. This last week tried Savarez new cristal corum normal tension. I like the trebles, much easier to play, sound very neutral maybe lacking some character. The basses I don't like very twangy sounding. I think I will put the La Bella basses back on. I feel my guitar could benefit from some higher tension strings, the trebles feel a bit soft especially playing Picado. i have some Luthier 20s to try next which I also tried before and remember liking them somewhat. Still trying to zero in on what ultimately will work best.
Ah well, there was a fantastic passion there, in my case anyway. I discovered flamenco very early on. It grips you in a way that you can't get away - Paco Pena
Posts: 79
Joined: Mar. 19 2015
From: Panama (living in South Florida)
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Cervantes)
I've tried a few different string brands so far. My favorites basses are Luthier 20 and La Bella 820. I had D'Addario EJ45 trebles which sound very good.
At some point I tried Royal Classics flamenco. Those had a nice sound but the basses had to much tension for my taste. So I kept the trebles and these have a well balanced sound and feel good.
Give the La Bella trebles some time, they may get a little thinner as they stretch over the first week. The RC trebles felt a little thick initially but now they feel great.
I'm currently using 820 La Bella basses and they are becoming my favorites. I started using them because Luthier strings were out of stock for a few months last year.
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to mounirben)
ORIGINAL: mounirben
I recommend this supplier : https://www.stringsbymail.com/. He offers lower prices and very quick delivery, he propose also Cejillas, metronomes, nail cares...etc
Yes Strings By Mail are a great retailer, I agree.
RE: La Bella 820 Flamenco Strings - ... (in reply to Ramon Amira)
ORIGINAL: Ramon Amira
An even brighter string would be the Daddario titanium strings.
Well, strings can certainly create differences of opinion. By chance just a couple of days ago I put on a set of D'Addario Titanium that a student of mine gave me to try. I found them to be absolutely dreadful. Far from bright they were dull and basically dead sounding. The La Bella 820 Red Flamenco were truly very bright, great flamenco sounding strings.
But we all have to try for ourselves, so I can only give you my opinion. But I would recommend trying the La Bella 820 Red and the 2001 Black. If you do, be sure the package says "New Improved Trebles."
Ramon I read also read your input, in another thread on La Bella 820 & 820B's before the yellow tag (Improved ) that you originally liked them, I have found this to be true also, just to let you know, were running on the same track with them.