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RE: Alegrias dance falsetas needed (in reply to rombsix)
m experience with the dancers for alegrias says that because its their favorite palo, they seem to like short nice falsetas such as this one: from Paco de Lucia. the rest is rhythm meant to accompany the singer (you can pretty much memorize the typical letras in your head from solo compas) the other falsetas in the alegria is typical escobilla falsetas and silencio of your choice
Posts: 1972
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco
RE: Alegrias dance falsetas needed (in reply to rombsix)
If you know the steps that take place during your falseta, you can compose or adapt something that accentuates the accents and/or cortes that occur. That is what I think dancers appreciate-when your clearly locked with them. OTOH, if you don't know what they are going to do, or they are just marking, play the ones you like and are solid on.
ORIGINAL: rombsix
Can someone point me in the direction of some Alegrias falsetas that dancers would enjoy?
RE: Alegrias dance falsetas needed (in reply to Mark2)
If you know the steps that take place during your falseta, you can compose or adapt something that accentuates the accents and/or cortes that occur. That is what I think dancers appreciate-when your clearly locked with them. OTOH, if you don't know what they are going to do, or they are just marking, play the ones you like and are solid on.
You have had a lot of experience working with dancers, so it's easier for you to do that. I need more experience, and with my schedule, it's not going to happen soon. But I'm trying... Thanks hombre for the advice!
RE: Alegrias dance falsetas needed (in reply to rombsix)
If you know the steps that take place during your falseta, you can compose or adapt something that accentuates the accents and/or cortes that occur. That is what I think dancers appreciate-when your clearly locked with them
I agree, I noticed that even in the one that I played in the video, only the very good student dancers caught on to its compas at the end and appreciated it, and the others were lost!