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RE: Guitar Loopers....Anybody??? (in reply to Guest)
I've seen some Django-style gypsy jazz players that used loop pedals to GREAT effect. For some reason, I really tend to enjoy loops with that kind of music.
Saw a guy in Laguna earlier this year who did it with some more popular music with vocals and even adding in the occasional harmonica. I guess he wanted to fill out the sound. He was a really good player and decent singer, but ultimately I didn't really love it. If you can't sing James Taylor songs and the like with one guitar, one vocal, you might as well hang it up, rather than clutter it up. Especially when you're playing cover songs that most people would recognize, I think it's better to let THEM fill in the gaps and just play it and sing it really well. He was good enough to have done it that way.
As for flamenco, I just can't see it as anything other than a practice aid.
RE: Guitar Loopers....Anybody??? (in reply to Guest)
I have null exp with them so I'm, little help here , but I know a man who is playing modern Spanish style guitar and he is always using a Boss RC-50 Loopstation (the big red one) in his gigs.
Here's his video with it (starts at 2:00) Thats the best I can help.
I think probably the best looper around for flamenco particularly would be the DigiTech Jamman Stereo. It features a loop advance (up and down) foot button that lets you advance to the next loop automatically. Ideal for multi-loop pieces like Entre Dos Aguas where you may play the 3 pre-recorded loops in succession whenever you are ready to switch. The current loop/chord sequence finishes before advancing to the next so timing is not even an issue. It comes with both XLR and 1/4 inch inputs both for mic and direct. I use a Schertler Dyn-G (xlr) stuck to the bottom half of the bridge or Fishman Pro-Blend (set about 90% to the mic side) depending on which guitar I am playing. With a 2gb memory card, you can store hours of loops etc indefinitely! Also has a 3/8 jack to play your iPad/iPod on breaks.
With this set up you make more money as you don't have to pay a second guitarist so accompany you! lol.
Stage Photo: Older model Jamman with separate loop advance pedal, XLR Mic, Volume pedal, Ipod, 1998 Conde Hermanos - Felipe V
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Posts: 52
Joined: Nov. 18 2004
From: Santa Barbara, California
RE: Guitar Loopers....Anybody??? (in reply to Guest)
Hello - I perform at restaurants as a duo, but sometimes as a soloists I enlist the help of a looper. I personally think of it as a : 1) Great practice tool for writing, and generally playing. 2) Once you have mastered the timing, a fantastic live tool. I use a Boomerang III - and I think as far as live performance goes - it is the easiest looper out there. Boomerng III Excellent sound quality, small footprint, and my favorite part....it does not hold any pre-recorded sounds. Yep - no pre-recorded tracks. What you play into it is what you get. On the fly creativity and execution. Perfect for Gipsy King Rumba's and of course the usual Entre Dos Aguas. i even scratch out a palo and perform an Alegrias or Tangos to add to the sound. Of course, the tool doesn't make you a great guitarist..but it sure helps. Saludos!!
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