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Posts: 146
Joined: Feb. 6 2010
From: Ottawa/Toronto

Video Games 

Well if we are going to jam on the topic I thought I would start a different thread which is more generalized.

Video games are currently in a Renaissance and have been for some time. So that said, what is/are you favorite video games of all time?

Here are a few of my more obscure favs in no particular order.

Call of Cthulhu
Grim Fandango
Chrono Trigger
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 14:35:56


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Jan. 11 2013 17:36:28
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 15:14:04

Posts: 407
Joined: May 26 2010
From: Sarpsborg,Norway

RE: Video Games (in reply to akatune

left 4 dead 2 is great together with friends, I played the last assasins creed too, I am a very big fan of the series, because it is an action game that actually has a really deep and complex story, plus they are playing with my favourite subjecy: history

If anyone here is a pc gamer and want to add me on steam my username is milkdream, I will buy the first who adds me a little gift, just because i am a fun person.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 17:40:41

Posts: 891
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RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere


ORIGINAL: jaggedsphere
Call of Cthulhu
Grim Fandango
Chrono Trigger

Great choices, I've been reliving Chrono Trigger on an emulator (all the games I dreamed of as a child for free!).

Here are some additions -

Commander Keen (pc)
Ducktales (nes)
StarTropics (nes)
Legend of Gaia (snes)
Breath of Fire (snes)
Oddworld franchise (pc / x360)
The Neverhood (pc)

Has anyone here played Skullmonkeys for PSX?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 22:25:54

Posts: 189
Joined: May 18 2011

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

IMO, all things considered, my current best-game-of-all-time has to be....

HALF LIFE 2!! (and the subsequent episodes).

The story line, game play, character development, weapons (gravity gun), there's just nothing else in its league.

I'm a 360 gamer myself, and so I'm not really into PC MMO's and such.

Also, the Gears of War trilogy, and L4D series. Pretty much anything by Valve. You can't go wrong with those guys :)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 23:03:49

Posts: 15472
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From: Washington DC

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

not into games since college and right after graduating. My roomates and I had this crazy fun one we could play using one computer keyboard called Star Control....version II was the one we used to melee battle it was crazy fun with space ships and planet gravity swinging...lot of late nights drinking and playing that laughing our asses off and getting mad at the luckier winner.

Then Doom II took over some spare time graduating to Quake and Half Life...but I got into flamenco at that point and no more gaming for me since....oh a brief few days of Mortal combat but it hurt my hand so I stopped.

here is star control:


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 5:50:50

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Video Games (in reply to Ricardo

i like games...i try to stay away cause they addictive and dont practice

i like strategy an simulation, atm in my pc i have..(they all up there in my fav games)

Fifa soccer manager 2011 simulation



Napoleon_Total_War ( all the total war series)

haven't played any in a while but are there for when i just dont feel like doing anything


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 5:58:17

Posts: 407
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From: Sarpsborg,Norway

RE: Video Games (in reply to JuanDaBomb

valve+epic games, on 360 theres also Alan Wake that I like alot...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 10:30:32
Gimar Yestra


Posts: 298
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From: The Netherlands

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

i currently play battlefield 3 on xbox 360

but my, all time favorites would be,

zelda a link to the past (snes)
chronotrigger (snes)
goof troop (snes)
super mario kart (snes)
super metroid (snes)
final fantasy 7 (playstation)

they just dont make games like that anymore :(

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 19:04:12


Posts: 2871
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RE: Video Games (in reply to Gimar Yestra

The original call of duty for pc is on the top ten list for me. Then Crysis, Crysis 2, Battlefield 3. My all time favorite is Space Invaders I have to say. Galaga is also a fun game. Oh, I cannot forget to mention Combat for the Atari 2600. So in this order for me:
1 Space Invaders
2 Galaga
4Call of Duty pc
6Crysis 2
7Battlefield 3
8Missile Defense Atari 2600
9Call of Duty 2
10Mafia 1 and 2 for pc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 23:27:03

Posts: 891
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RE: Video Games (in reply to Gimar Yestra


ORIGINAL: Gimar Yestra

i currently play battlefield 3 on xbox 360
they just dont make games like that anymore :(

For Xbox 360 you should check out Chronicles of Riddick : Escape from Butcher Bay. It's old -- you can probably get it for cheap (depends on where you live I guess) and probably one of the best FPS ever.


ORIGINAL: jg7238

1 Space Invaders
2 Galaga
4Call of Duty pc
6Crysis 2
7Battlefield 3
8Missile Defense Atari 2600
9Call of Duty 2
10Mafia 1 and 2 for pc

Is this a list of the BEST ten games you've played, or the LAST ten games you've played?

Crysis AND Crysis 2? Chryst.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 7:27:35

Posts: 4400
Joined: Apr. 14 2005

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

Gran Turismo on PS1 (yes, the first PS) and
Medal of Honor (MOHAA) on PC were the best games ive ever played. Back then there even wasnt relly an online multiplayer mode, because the connection was bad (at least on my end). Max Payne too


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 10:36:59

Posts: 495
Joined: Nov. 27 2005
From: North Carolina, USA

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

I used to really like Subspace. It was one of the first(I think I played around 1996) multiplayer action online games. It was sort of a fancy topdown view Asteroids like game where you go online against other people. There are people with amazing skills. You can come up with some interesting strategies too. I think the fans have kept it around and renamed it continuum. Free I believe.

I also really liked the Baldurs Gate series.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 12:44:10



Posts: 2961
Joined: Dec. 6 2004

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

I love all those old games like Mario and ChronoTrigger,etc.

You might like this site.

No popups, no spyware, totally clean. Just billions of cool flash games.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 13:32:38


Posts: 2871
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RE: Video Games (in reply to chester


Is this a list of the BEST ten games you've played, or the LAST ten games you've played?

This is my personal list of the best games I have played. There are others, I just can't remember.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 14:09:19

Posts: 891
Joined: Oct. 29 2010

RE: Video Games (in reply to jg7238

Hey jg, no worries. Just busting your chops a little. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 20:17:57


Posts: 2871
Joined: May 11 2009

RE: Video Games (in reply to chester


Hey jg, no worries. Just busting your chops a little. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.

Chester, I'm ok with it, don't worry. I am a very easy going person. I played games more frequently before. I still play them once every now and then but not like I once did.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 10 2011 20:03:29

Posts: 942
Joined: Oct. 25 2006
From: Sweden

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

I've always liked games that take me someplace..
Here are some that come to my mind.

Another world
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus
Monkey Island 1 & 2
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the fathers
Fist II

Haven't played any recent console games except Twilight Princess, which isn't very new :D
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2011 10:12:58

Posts: 942
Joined: Oct. 25 2006
From: Sweden

RE: Video Games (in reply to jaggedsphere

Ricardos screen shot makes me think of Master of Orion 2, which is a brilliant old game :-)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2011 10:15:13
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