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RE: deflamenco.com, reputable? (in reply to HolyEvil)
i've been having an ongoing issue regarding one of the rito y geografia sets i bought which had two of the same dvd in it. they have not replied ever since i sent the original request (which they initially replied) and even after many of my other emails in relation to the same issue, there has been no followup since.
RE: deflamenco.com, reputable? (in reply to HolyEvil)
I've bought a couple of dvds from deflamenco.com and no problems. The banco sabel atlantico interface is a bit funny usually requiring 2 goes to get through. In fact I turned to defamenco for my first item because the flamenco world carriage charges were too steep. Estella, a respected member of this forum, actually works for deflamenco as a journalist.
Posts: 482
Joined: May 6 2009
From: Iran (living in London)
RE: deflamenco.com, reputable? (in reply to HolyEvil)
Hi folks,
Has anybody recently bought anything from deflamenco.com? If so, could you please let me know how was their service as I am thinking of ordering some stuff!
RE: deflamenco.com, reputable? (in reply to Argaith)
i have used deflamenco.com regularly since i had a problem with flamenco-world.com about 7-8 years ago, and since flamenco-world put their shipping charges up and deflamenco was cheaper.
i have never had a problem with deflamenco, stuff arrives reliably and pretty quickly