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Posts: 42
Joined: Jun. 9 2011
From: Granada, España
NEW in the Forum
Hello guys, I recently found this forum and find it very good. I decided to join the community!! I'ved been playing flamenco guitar since I'm 18. Just wanted to introduce myself, greetings from Granada!!
I'm 28. But my guitar playing has been quite irregular. I finished college last year, and now I'm trying to make the guitar occupy a bigger space in my time.
Not really jajaja. But I bet Budapest is also a very nice city! Actually I know a guy here from Hungary, he plays flamenco guitar very well indeed! I'm amaze because even though he has been playing guitar for many years, he only started playing flamenco 3 years a go, and he already has a very good techique and compás. He plays in several cuevas and also plays for baile. Never heard him playing for cante.
Thanx guys! Yeah, Iv'ed notice Pimientito his here. I'ved seen him play, AMAZING!! I actually played with him once, but I don't think he will remember, it was only a short attemp of bulería, and we were in a Bar ("the chien andalou", before it was called the "upseter"), it was a very informal thing.
Yes Granada is a beautiful city with a very good "energy". I'm myself originally from Madrid, I came to Granada 8 years a go. And I don't think i'll be returning to Madrid any soon.