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I happened upon my mother and sister-in-law admiring a photo of my sister-in-law's latest grandchild. After my sister-in-law left, I said to my mother, "She seems quite foolish about that new baby."
My mother replied, "Ah, I am, too. You know great-grandchildren are even better than grandchildren."
"Why is that?" I asked.
"No one expects you to help take care of them."
I hasten to add that my mother adored all her grandchildren, including the two I helped to produce, but still...
I was walking around the supermarket with my 6 year old daughter and I was looking at some chicken drumsticks. "What are those", she said. "Chicken drumsticks...ummm, like chicken legs.", I said.
She thought for awhile and said.. "So do they raise the chickens just to cut their legs off?".
Another time at Chester Zoo as we were waiting to get in...
"Dad....what's an ope?".
"A what?", I said.
"An ope", she replied
"I dunno, pet...where did you see it?", I asked in puzzlement...
"There", she said pointing...
The sign said Adults £10 Children £5 OAP's £8
(Senior Citizen in the US= Old Age Pensioner in the UK)
Kids sometimes have a really refreshing view on things.