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RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to amigo)
Yeah, He's just not from this planet! The strange thing I've noticed on another concert video of Him, that His picado sounded much louder than some of his rasgueo.... monster!
By the way, He seems like He's lost a lot of weight...
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to beno)
Yeah, He's just not from this planet! The strange thing I've noticed on another concert video of Him, that His picado sounded much louder than some of his rasgueo.... monster!
By the way, He seems like He's lost a lot of weight...
By the way - I think this is something you do in Hungarian usually, or just something you did here intentionally, or neither.
But, when you refer to someone through third person pronouns with an upper-case first letter (example: Him instead of him, as in "By the way, He seems like He's lost a lot of weight" instead of "By the way, he seems like he's lost a lot of weight") - it is usually done in reference to deities, like God, for example.
I think it is quite becoming of Maestro Cortes here, though, as I think we can safely deem him one of the Picado Gods.
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to amigo)
I see what You mean... I think it's not really a hungarian habit.... maybe it's just me I usually use big first letter whenever I mention somebody as 'him' or 'her', but not just for third person pronouns....if I'm writing to You, I also use it It's just a declaration of respect towards somebody I'm talking/writing about.
I've just seen/read things about the hungarian language, which is -according to several internationally-known linguists (not hungarian)- so unique and perfect, that no other language can catch up to it. It's so complex, rich, logical and functional. According to different sources the hungarian was the language of creation.
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Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to rombsix)
That was NOT a human being playing that picado run.
Here's a bit more - not as tight, but still pretty solid:
Still waiting for someone to do that lick as fast and clean as paco de lucia. Even his scores of imitators have seemed to avoid that one. I can do it all legato and have heard some other players adapt the same thing as I did. But all picado like paco? waiting....Cortes here was very uneven with it and not fast enough to control those triplets at 264bpm like paco does in rito y geografia. at 1:33:
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to amigo)
There is only one Paco! Its good to be reminded what he could do back then. Saying that, I'd give a body part for Rapheal Cortes picado. It may not be as clean and even as Pacos...but I agree with Ramzi, the power is superhuman.
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to amigo)
Beno ...since you are from Hungary are you friends with Richard?
Yep, we know each other. He's one of the very few guys in Hungary, who I not just respect for His skills in guitar, but also as a person. I wish we could get together much more often, but my hectic life right now leaves not too many options for me...
By the way Ricsi, are You collaborating with Maria Keck right now? how about that performance You've been preparing for?
Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to beno)
thanks for your kind words, it's mutual :) i'm going to write about it in detail in the off topic section later, we had the performances and i'm like in a dream world now flamenco-wise...but now i have to run to accompany her classes :)
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to Ron.M)
The REAL Challenge is playing it backwards, from the low E to the high G at the same speed....
Actually, playing it that fast from low E to high G using PICADO will be quite a challenge too, considering how much easier it is to do scales from trebles to basses, rather than the other way round.
RE: Rafael Cortes super picado!!!!!!... (in reply to Ron.M)
Man, that Rafael is something else. He gets plenty of power on that picado but I agree with Ricardo that the Bulerias picado run is not as even as Paco's. But hey, it's Paco.