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Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: My photo of the week 10 (in reply to edguerin)
Thanks for your ongoing support. This is probably the best photo I have ever taken and the good thing was that I saw it before I took it. I imagined the resultant image and knew it was going to be special. That is a massive step forward for me.
Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under
RE: My photo of the week 10 (in reply to Escribano)
Did you develop this one yourself Simon or did you use a digital camera? What's between the two tombstones in the foreground? Is that an empty yogurt container?
Did you develop this one yourself Simon or did you use a digital camera? What's between the two tombstones in the foreground? Is that an empty yogurt container?
It's on film, developed and scanned at home.
I suspect it is an old container used for flowers somewhere else as these graves are probably too old to get the attention. I very, very rarely move anything before shooting it, especially not for aethetic reasons.
On the subject of film and digital, I have also acquired a really nice, cheap digital body on which I can mount my decent film lenses. Here is a digital version, which I think you can see is a pretty good alternative when I can't be bothered to develop a whole roll or need backup. The light in this spot helps a great deal.
Of course, both are digital images, in fact. The first one is a digital rendering from a negative by a scanner.
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Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under
RE: My photo of the week 10 (in reply to Escribano)
The first one is a digital rendering from a negative by a scanner.
It's so much nicer to view the original photographic paper after developing the negative. The photos i have from growing up before the digital camera capture something i really like. They seem to lose the smoothness when i scan them into digital.
It's so much nicer to view the original photographic paper after developing the negative.
Completely agree, though I do not have a darkroom. I mainly use film because I love messing around with the old cameras. Something unique about their construction and feel.
I am awaiting delivery of a mint Kodak Retina SLR from 1960 this week
Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under
RE: My photo of the week 10 (in reply to Escribano)
I have fond memories of photography in high school. Including the treacherous walk through the pitch black, zig zagging corridor that led from the doorway to the darkroom. There was always someone waiting in there.
But more so i remember the process of developing pictures we had taken with pinhole cameras and the art departments SLR cameras. Even if the photo was of poor quality it was exciting to develop and look at it.
I notice i delete so many photo's now. When i developed a film in the past, even the pictures i did not like at the time are great to look back on now.I should try and remember this and stop deleting pictures.
RE: My photo of the week 10 (in reply to Escribano)
The contrast is harder on the 100% digi, but it could be worked out in Photoshop or even better in Camera raw. To me, working one of these two programs (or both) is half the fun and todays answer to darkroom.
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: My photo of the week 10 (in reply to Doitsujin)
Im not a photographer , but sometimes you just walk into a photo ..by mistake ...get the trusty old Iphone out and snap....or is it ...press nowadays .. it looks nice in B n W too
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Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: My photo of the week 10 (in reply to Escribano)
yes i did mess around a bit with it ,hence the black and white idea , , but as i say im not a photographer , so in the end i just put the original up here, When the sun came out from the clouds , the whole hay stuff lights up really golden bright ,,but in my photo ...your just waiting for it , to never happen