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Currently I'm working through Paco Peña's Toques Flamenco book and have encountered this Pxi rasgueado. The problem is no matter how much I work on this particular rasgueado I cannot make it sound as powerful and smooth as the other I know
I wondered if any of you flamenco pros could give me any advice?
Which track and page is that rasgueado in the book? its a tresillio right?
I never use my pinky anymore I would advice to just use PAI instead, it works way better, and the sound is better imo. (im not a flamenco pro btw ) so: P up - A down - I down.
That's because X is a weak finger, and it's a pointless rasgueado. Why not just use P up - M down - I down. Makes for a strong, smooth, and easy to execute continuous rasgueado.
From a technical point of view, I'm not sure how 'powerful' it can sound. Sure everybody has their own levels of what sound we can potentially make, some on the less powerful end (myself) and others on the higher end (Pena). If the strokes are all the same (up, down, down) as in the case with pai, pmp, pmi, etc, they should all technically sound the same....but they don't. Even though the strumming direction is the same, the interval or spacing between each note can sound different based on how comfortable we are with moving our fingers a certain way. Not to mention the size of our pinky vs our middle or index fingers--that will be a sound change as well.
Long story short, pxi is supposed to sound different from the other collection of triplet rasgueados used. Though I'm sure with much practice, you can control the strength/angle of your fingers at will that you can have a wide variety of color to use...some that may overlap the sound of other rasgueados used as well.
I rant too much. Practice on! (I like pmp, and I'm now discovering the awesome sound quality of pai and use that a lot...)
RE: Pxi continuous rasgueado (in reply to dararith)
Not to steal the thread away, but...it can actually help. Anyone notice a sound change from doing really fast continous aii (down a, down a, up i) and continous mii (down m, down i, up i)?
Hey dararith! Since you uploaded your avatar I was thinking that your picture reminds me on somebody.. I finally found out! Link from Zelda. (except the ears..of course)
Thats not the best fitting picture but the hairstyle fits. There must have been a better picture in past, where link looked up in the cam like you, which I had in mind. Zelda was a great game. I had it for game boy when I was much younger.
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I was using too much motion from my fingers. Turning my wrist just makes the notes roll out, all smooth and clearly separated
Thanks for all the help guys.
On another note: what are the "must know" rasgueados? Y'know, the ones you wouldn't leave the house without (I have a feeling this question might cause a bit of debate...)
El Nani is credited with creating this. It's commonly used by Caño Roto players like El Viejín. I've also seen Rafael Cortés use it and I think Socrates makes very good use of it. I like to use it too, it's a good one. I think the more rasgeos one knows the better. They all have a different colour and feeling even if the notes when written in notation would be exactly the same.
RE: Pxi continuous rasgueado (in reply to Doitsujin)
Hey dararith! Since you uploaded your avatar I was thinking that your picture reminds me on somebody.. I finally found out! Link from Zelda. (except the ears..of course)
I think he looks more like Davey Havok, lead singer of AFI.
RE: Pxi continuous rasgueado (in reply to Doitsujin)
On another note: what are the "must know" rasgueados? Y'know, the ones you wouldn't leave the house without (I have a feeling this question might cause a bit of debate...)
Not sure what are 'have-to's'...but I like amii, pai, p(am)p, and iai. Those are the ones I use frequently. Although there are many variants, I like the sound of amii when you flick it off the thumb for that snappy sound.
Hey dararith! Since you uploaded your avatar I was thinking that your picture reminds me on somebody.. I finally found out! Link from Zelda. (except the ears..of course)
Thats not the best fitting picture but the hairstyle fits. There must have been a better picture in past, where link looked up in the cam like you, which I had in mind. Zelda was a great game. I had it for game boy when I was much younger.
I actually like the game Zelda a lot. Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past are classics! Ocarina of time was good too. Now they're getting all fancy with the newer stuff and I haven't had time to keep up with Twilight Princess and such. = /
I think he looks more like Davey Havok, lead singer of AFI.
I just googled Davey. All I can say is...wow. Haha.