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Over the past year or so, I have gathered further annoyances I can add to my ever growing list.
One of them I call the Internet quasi-scam.
I use the Internet a lot to get a hold of manufacturer's data sheets on semiconductors, since sometimes I need the pin-out of an IC or rating of a transistor etc. I used to just be able to type into Google, the part number followed by "datasheet" or "pdf".....but if you try that now, your search gets hijacked by numerous IC wholesalers advertising it, but when you click on the link, they say they haven't got it or any info on it, but are offering great deals on other chips for quantity purchase.
You go through each of them, with every one saying "0 results for your enquiry". I wasted about half an hour looking for data on an MIP2H2 power controller chip, before having to pay for a download of the full service manual for the equipment.
It seems increasingly that if you are looking for ANYTHING, your search gets hijacked by sites advertising it, but when you click on it, they haven't got it...but would you be interested in buying something else?... sometimes not even remotely related to your enquiry!
I feel it's like me opening up a Pizza shop, but advertising Conde, Ramirez, Bellido etc Flamenco guitars. Then when someone comes in asking after a Conde, I go into the back shop and come back saying, "Sorry..no Condes ATM, but we are offering 25% off all pizzas this week". I do the same routine for the Ramirez and Bellido. If they then ask if I can show them what I do have, I vanish into the back shop and come back saying..."Sorry no guitars at all in stock ATM, but we are offering 25% off all pizzas this week."
Another new quasi-scam, is they show you the document title along with a big yellow arrow pointing to a sign saying "Free Download Now"... But it is actually a craftily positioned Google-Ad and when you click on it, you get a free Firefox shopping toolbar with "handy shoe-size converter and world time-zone clock."
The philosophy seems to be heading in the direction of "If someone is searching for something... ANYTHING... then they will probably be be interested in what we are selling."
Funny you should mention this Ron. I have also noticed that whenever I do a search for a guitar related matter, I am routed to porn sites and vice versa
I have also noticed that whenever I do a search for a guitar related matter, I am routed to porn sites and vice versa
Yeah .... I used to use that excuse tooo.....(and VICE VERSA you say !!!)
So Ron, Where is this 25% off pizza place?, you never said ....... Oh and also I need a handy shoe-size converter, jeez some people have all the luck and then just complain ..........
RE: Internet Quasi-Scams (in reply to Pgh_flamenco)
Your browser may have been hijacked. When was the last time you did a fresh Windows install?
No, pgh....it's not a browser thing..
I think it's just that the Webpage Designers are getting a lot cleverer with meta-tags etc. That, combined with an old technique that some Google advertisers employed a few years ago. Do you remember when, if you typed in "1965 Arcangel Fernandez Flamenco Guitar" into Google...then at the top of the results page you'd see (in bold type)...
"Check out the latest Arcangel Fernandez Flamenco Guitar deals on Amazon.com"
The use of that technique is just getting more widespread now IMO.
I think it's just that the Webpage Designers are getting a lot cleverer with meta-tags etc.
Yeah Ron, I think you're right. Sadly, the days you could get information for free on the web are bygone forever. I remember the times when you could type in a search argument and got about 10 hits or so (not 16457890 like today)- Astonishingly, there's still a site out there, where you can find really substantial material about flamenco without having to pay a fee
Ron, there must be another word or two that would narrow the search results to the kind of information you're looking for: technical words that wouldn't be included in a sales pitch.
RE: Internet Quasi-Scams (in reply to NormanKliman)
Hi Norman,
Yeah...I've got a word for 'em.
The problem only really arises if you are looking for something that is not available. So instead of the search coming up with no results or best matches, the link headers come up with EXACTLY what you are looking for, even though they don't have it.
Try putting "mip2h2 datasheet pdf" into Google and you'll see what I mean.
The worst ones are the sites that make you sign up and register with a valid email address first...and THEN tell you they don't have it, but thank you for joining and would you like to see some of their other products right now... or just wait and receive their daily emails informing you of their latest blockbuster bargains.
i noticed the same problem. I use different search engines, if I search for -mip2h2 datasheet pdf - in the altavista search engine I find the pdf in the first hit. after a few clicks on the website.
RE: Internet Quasi-Scams (in reply to gerundino63)
Nope...'fraid not...that's the datasheet for a KMIP2-B28DL diode....not a MIP2H2 power controller chip. Try putting MIP2H2 into that site's own database...."NoData".
These sites are OK if the datasheet is available. I use them all the time.
It's only when you have exhausted them all by clicking on misleading links that you realise nobody has the data.
Oh....Here's another Altavista result for MIP2H2 datasheet pdf....
"I embrace traditional male and female roles. I don't see one as being subservient to the ... megaly Shinja strasser Mip2h2 datasheet Sheila wildeman Wikipedia ..."
I think it's just that the Webpage Designers are getting a lot cleverer with meta-tags etc.
Google isn't using the meta-tags that much anymore, just because of those reasons. It looks at the content of pages, thats why flash sites have a hard time being the first in a row when searching.
If you'd like to see somebody's first pictures, type "DSC00001.jpg" in Google :)
this is a little unrelated but on my list of internet related annoyances
i hate the one where the phony virus scanner that installs itself into your pc and then u get the annoying non stop message in the bottom right corner saying this computer is slow and has viruses...buy our software to get ride of them...yes it has viruses cause u just put em there you PR*ck!!:-)....whenever that happens to me...its always time for a fresh install...
there seems to be no code of conduct or rules whatsoever to what some people can do over the internet and there's nothing u can do...
then again i have often wondered...if i am a skilled computer guy and my job is to design software to get ride of viruses....what do i do if i am not getting enough work cause everyone's computer is clean ? kind of makes sense...who is going to buy next years anti virus software...an internet with no viruses would be like a automobile industry that runs without petrol, its possible but....someone that's invested a lot of money in the industry would lose a lot of money