Welcome to one of the most active flamenco sites on the Internet. Guests can read most posts but if you want to participate click here to register.
This site is dedicated to the memory of Paco de Lucía, Ron Mitchell, Guy Williams, Linda Elvira, Philip John Lee, Craig Eros, Ben Woods, David Serva and Tom Blackshear who went ahead of us.
We receive 12,200 visitors a month from 200 countries and 1.7 million page impressions a year. To advertise on this site please contact us.
just to let you know that the 3rd Flamenco Bienal of the Netherlands is coming up, from 21st - 30th of January. Check out the line-up at flamencobiennale
Plus there's documentaries (and Flamenco Flamenco by Saura!), lectures, flamenco for children, exhibitions, etc...
Workshops and masterclasses by Diego del Morao, Moraíto Chico, Dorantes, Joaquín Grilo, Rafaela Carrasco, Rocío Molina, Pastora Galván, Diego Carrasco, El Bobote, Rosario La Tremendita...
There's affordable accommodation available to international students!
It'd be nice to see you there :)
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