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I'm looking to record some videos to share in the audio/video section. My laptop has a built in webcam and microphone. Wonder if you guys know of any decent software that will capture both video and audio in 1 go.
RE: Video & Sound Recording software (in reply to HemeolaMan)
I actually don't have windows movie maker. I'm using Windows 7 which uses windows movie maker live. It does not a "capture" option for recording from webcam. I can only import premade videos.
RE: Video & Sound Recording software (in reply to VietFlamenco)
I'm looking to record some videos to share in the audio/video section. My laptop has a built in webcam and microphone. Wonder if you guys know of any decent software that will capture both video and audio in 1 go.
Debut Video Capture Software ... It's free. Don't know if it works with Win7.
RE: Video & Sound Recording software (in reply to VietFlamenco)
I'm currently using Cyberlink PowerDirector, its very simple for making and editing video's. For audio only I use Adobe Audition 3.0(first cool edit). Try google if you want a "trail" version or something
RE: Video & Sound Recording software (in reply to VietFlamenco)
I'm looking to record some videos to share in the audio/video section. My laptop has a built in webcam and microphone. Wonder if you guys know of any decent software that will capture both video and audio in 1 go.
Most of the webcams have a too low framerate for quick fingers on the guitar. And build in microphones are usually bad, too. The cheapest way would be just a digital photocam. Then import to the PC. I see no other simple and more or less good sounding ways to do that..
RE: Video & Sound Recording software (in reply to Doitsujin)
I see no other simple and more or less good sounding ways to do that..
I use a WEBCAM which cost me $60, and a USB mic which cost me $60 as well. This setup allows me to capture fast finger movement pretty decently, and it doesn't sound all too bad either. If you want better quality, then I guess Doit's idea of getting a decent digital cam (which should offer decent video, and probably audio) will work. It's going to most likely be more expensive than my setup, though. I'm a poor chap at the moment, so I need to be super thrifty...
RE: Video & Sound Recording software (in reply to VietFlamenco)
Good for u romb, I agree with Doit's idea as well , months ago I got my self MSI-Webcam it cost me about 30$ and actually it's so lame ( apparently it was a cam for stores to scan particular scene ) my other cam which is UCom cost me about 10$ makes a better videos and Images so I hate Web cams and I have bad experience with them anyway I usually use Web Cam Companion 2 or 3 its a cool software that will capture both video and audio at the same time, Debut is cool as well I guess one more is Pc cam plus goood luck Elie