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I asked on mimf about repairing cracks in the back of my Valeriano Bernal. It was suggested using distilled water to clean the cracks and then hide glue to fill them. I'm in England, does anyone know what hide glue is and where I can get it (or is it called something else this side of the pond).
There is a foto on my website (flamencouk.info) although it is a bit out of focus. Just look in Flamenco Guitars. [its not a commercial site - it doesn't bite]
Any info before I screw it up and I will be very grateful.
If the cracks are new you wont even have to clean them. But you will need to open them so the glue can penetrate. This requires a T shaped wooden tool: the long part is the handle, the short part is ever so slightly longer than the internal distance between front and back. Make it small and add supplements, taped on. Dont make it too big: you dont want to crack the tapa too . When the cracks open slightly, work in the glue with your finger: any good quality white woodworking glue will do: eg Evostick. Remove the tool and check alignment to see if it can just be left or needs clamps. Be careful to maintain alignment: this guitar is varnished con pistola and the usual way of scraping the finished repair to ensure perfect alignment is not available. Still, it is an easy repair, so good luck.
First of all, Hide glue is hide glue, also in UK. I'm sure David Dyke has it. Do a google search. Hide glue has the advantage over the PVA woodglue that it penetrates far better and is very easy to clean up. you can use thin superglue as well, and I mean thin, like water. My advice would be: No PVA glue, because of the difficulty of penetration, which makes it nescessary to open the crack. Use hide glue if you feel sure about the mixing and heating, 60 degees celcius (NO premixed liquid hideglue!!!!!!!! it doesnt bond well!!!!!!!!!!!!!) it HAS to be granulated!!! Use thin superglue if you do not like the hide glue thing. You simply add drops, and let them penetrate, add a drop, penetrate etc. clean up with a fine scraper blade. Dont use cheapo superglue.
Steward McDonald (stewmac.com) have nice superglue and some nice and cheap little inside plastic clamps if you want to open the crack as Sean described by putting pressure between the soundboard and the back.
I've seen the Photos of your guitar at the MIMF, and I suggest that you do one of the following things: 1) Nothing.... Live with the cracks. I dont think anything will happen. 2) fill with Hot Hide Glue or CA=superglue and polish afterwards. You'd need to clean a bit before.
Most important... No PVA glue!! and a good idea is to wait a few days to see what the guys at the MIMF guys say. Some of these dudes are really top professional repairmen, knowing a lot more about these subjects than me or anyone else on this forum. I've asked on your thread about the CA=super glue thing, so you can go yourself and have a look and see what people think.
Good luck, and dont worry. Your guitar'll be just fine, whatever you do. These are not serious cracks.
Thanks guys. I really do appreciate it. Its great to own these beautiful instruments and I would hate to either see deterioration due to doing nothing and worse still me screwing it up. I will certainly digest all that you offer and take my time getting well prepared before starting.