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Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Doitsujin)
that was excellent Doit. also the sound "setting" was almost like Tomatitos sound. did you use some of kind compressor too? it sounded like it has some special "punch". can you give some details about the setting and what you used? i like that
i started yesterday with the piece,,, man, this is really hard. also i am not good at reading tabs and find the proper and original fingering of tomatito. i always learn through videos (with help of tabs), but anyway, lets see.
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to KMMI77)
Doit - that sounds great ...although I think you have an advantage in this challenge by choosing a piece that you clearly already know how to play. Why didnt you pick one that you didnt know? Anyway I looked though the tab today and I'm in. Its a long piece though!!!
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Arash)
Thanks guys!
@Arash: I use a new mic. One of these sm57... Its pure gold. Im very happy with it. For the rest I followed as good as I could Todds advice which he once kindly provided on video. Meaning mic position to the guitar and basic EQ settings in cubase. I tested some positions for the mic and when I change the angle to the mic, it drastically changes the sound. I record mono..just 1 track and give it stereo out.. I think I still have much room to make things better.. Oo I also tested a lot of different strings for my guitar which all sounded very differently. Now I settled down to a combination of la bella 850black and augustine gold for the basses. For the rest, I just played on the levers and got this punch by accident. :-) See below the screenshot for EQ .. I have no idea how that works.. all just playing with levers and listen.. :./ (ignore the SubSynth..its crap. There was an article which says you get more power in the deeper nots with it. But all I get is woooooooooo...ringing ears. And this WAVEs thing on the right doesnt work..its on but whatever I do..I hear no difference.
And I have a big problem in cubase which I cant solve till now. When I play the endless-compas-loop the sound stops sometimes for 3 seconds and then goes on. But there is no gap in the loop..I recheck and it plays the part where were no sound like there is no problem.. :.( The problem is, when it does that 3 secs shutdown..it also stops the record of the guitar.. I dont know what the problem is. But with this error I cant record a 5min track at the moment becasue there would be at least 15 errors in the middle... Anybody knows this problem? It really sucks..and I have absolutely no idea how to solve that...
@Pim: Great! You are a good player. Will be fun to watch your playing!!
I actually don´t know why I took this bulerias. We also could have done Paseo de los castnos...It also awesome! Rincones just popped into my mind. I dont have it down completely. But everyone challenges him/herself, so it shouldn´t matter. If there are any problems getting the fingerings or whatever.. I will happily try to help out.
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RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Arash)
I saw I plugged my external soundcard to an USB1.0 port.. Now I replugged it into an USB2.0 and the problem seems to be gone. I hope that was the solution... To my settings. Im not completely statisfyed because I changed the natural sound of the guitar ..a lot. Maybe I get more natural sound next weekend.
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to CarloJuan)
u testosterone maniac Doit :-) il kill you..only doing a few hours on the weekend my arse ...u must have been working on this piece for 5 years
this freaking piece is madness ...i am going to have to do nothing but this from now till May ....but theres no way on hell i am backing out ...i got no problems up to falseta 3 at 62% speed
i like it how noone else complains like its nothing ,...u bunch of fakes
i liked what Toddk said...an advanced challenge shouldn't be about playing hard pieces ...should be about playing normal or intermediate pieces good..
wait till i see you Doit i am gonna kill you
but i like it ...just pis*es me off that i am the only one complaining thats all
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Florian)
i like it how noone else complains like its nothing.....u bunch of fakes
I was scared of being called a wimp by Ricardo.
Seriously though Doit, this piece is madness and you've chosen it cos you have a several month headstart on the rest of us. You had better win or we will all throw tomatoes at you for the rest of 2011
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Pimientito)
OLEEEEEEEEE Pimientito...now i feel human...atleast i know we all have hard work ahead with this one...i was gonna be pis*ed off if i was the only one finding it hard..like i am going ant speed and you all just cruising through it..making videos and sounding excellent after 2 days of practicing it
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Florian)
ORIGINAL: Florian i liked what Toddk said...an advanced challenge shouldn't be about playing hard pieces ...should be about playing normal or intermediate pieces good..
or playing advanced pieces slower than original (even with some alterations) and play it. that would be a similar solution. and just imagine how much we learn with such a piece. thats the best part of it. something so hard, you have never tried. that pushes you forward and improves you faster than usual imo.
btw, you are not the only one complaining. , i was going to post a very pessimistic post, but luckily you were the first one and i am not alone now
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Arash)
ORIGINAL: Arash and just imagine how much we learn with such a piece.
couldnt agree more. I have falseta 1 and 3 at slower speed now. Falseta 1 is a bit too easy, ive spent little time on it, but falseta 3 is really nice and i have learned alot about string changes, thumb, thumb, chords, thumb, rhythm, thumb.
Good that I don´t know how hard it is... I will not start to practice before Christmas, don´t have any time due to PhDShiT But then I´ll rip it off just in a few days I guess
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Arash)
First read the rules (which arent really rules) guys than shoot! @Pim: We are not competing each other. Its all in the rules. Save the tomatoes for Spaghetti Bolognese..... .... .. . .. .... ... hhmmm.... Bolognese! :-)
Im just showing how it can be done. Tomatito played it with the same ligados on stage as I did ..so I didnt really change anything. If you want just 1:1 copys, swich to classics. Than you can complain about snaring E-strings, too. :.P We are in f l a m e n c o here... As next you want me to mimic Tomatitos face as well while playing.. tststs funny guys. *shaking head*
Guys.. dont loose yourself in vanities and put your energy in your playing! No pain no gain! ;.)
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Doitsujin)
Im just showing how it can be done. Tomatito played it with the same ligados on stage as I did ..so I didnt really change anything. If you want just 1:1 copys, swich to classics. Than you can complain about snaring E-strings, too. :.P We are in f l a m e n c o here...
I agree 100% with Doit....he was just showing an alternative way using ligado.
Sounded impressive enough to me anyway!
Anyway, everyone upload anything you want to and let's wait and see..
(if you get stuck you can always ask a girl to help you with the picado.. )
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Doitsujin)
@Pim: We are not competing each other. Its all in the rules.
auu save that bulls*it new age talk for germany mate . ...we all upload the same piece ...regardless of how much head start we had or didnt have, noones gonna care or remember... as far as anyone listening or watching is concerned...we are competing against eachother....save the hippy talk
anyway noones backing out and noone said they cant do it ...we just bonding a litlle with agreeing that the piece is hard, complaining and making conversation...thats all
dont worry we gonna hold our own when time comes mr swap picado for pullofs .. ( cant you do picado ? ...what are you a wimp ?)
since you allready know the whole piece you shouldnt have problems working out one litlle picado line between now and the deadline ..
I am gonna call you "the hustler" from now on :-)))
and dont condescend us with your " have a go" challenge yourselfs guys...we either gonna try or win or nothing...besides 20 pushups a week this is my next goal...what you think u can just hustle us and we just gona sitt here and wach you march to victory .. ..better practice your picado
(if you get stuck you can always ask a girl to help you with the picado.. )
lol i dont know...see is she needs me to stitch something for her in return
RE: Challenge Rincones de loles (in reply to Arash)
we are competing against eachother.
dont worry we gonna hold our own when time comes mr swap picado for pullofs .. ( cant you do picado ? ...what are you a wimp ?)
Did I say I can´t ?
Just to clarify,... that interested people could make use out of our smooth talking: Ligado is a great technique. In many situations it actually sounds much better and is more dynamic than just scale-hammering. I like it more than picado. Just imagine tomatito or Vicente without ligado... Especially Vicente brought it to perfection which is very characteristic for his playing. Its also a major aspect of Tomatitos playing. Its not lame at all IMO. Just a question of musical taste, which is most important. (More than demonstrating that one can tie ones shoes with his teeth.) I know people who have a great picado but cant do proper ligado. It balance each other. Seems like some people still have to learn that lesson. tststs
@KMMI77 hahaha...^^ yes this leather pants..omg! Too expensive for me. Im too poor. But I could analyze it with a graph.. hehe hmm but I have another idea.
...save the hippy talk
I like your statements.. :.) (Just the expression itself. Its great!)
20 pushups a week?? All at the same day? You crazy australian guy!