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Posts: 533
Joined: Jul. 16 2003
From: Toronto, ON, Canada
Santos Hernandez bracing pattern
Is this the typical pattern used by luthier's these days? It seems that it is the most revered design (re: DeVoe etc...), but what do I know. I am proposing a design to a local luthier who is familiar with it, and I wanted to know if it is the most advisable bracing pattern to request.
big thanks,
p.s. the local luthier is Luis Feu de Mesquita. In curiousity, Has anyone ever heard of him?
RE: Santos Hernandez bracing pattern (in reply to Conrad)
I've played some Santos Hernandez style flamencos. They all sounded great. In Santos design the v-braces near the end-block that Torres have are missing so it makes the soundboard more lively. I'm building 'negra' with SH design and angled lower harmonic bar right now. I trust it to be great....
RE: Santos Hernandez bracing pattern (in reply to Escribano)
Do you mean the lower brace across the seven fan struts? I thought that was from Torres?
Simon, I read that he means the cross brace is missing? I had a Montero y Bellido guitar where this brace was missing. It ment that the struts fanned out to span the full length from sound hole to base block without additional stiffening. Boy, that guitar had a terrific amount and quality of sound.
RE: Santos Hernandez bracing pattern (in reply to TANúñez)
here's a pic of a Barbero bracing pattern I'm currently building.
El Zee, Looks like a nice bit of work. Where did you get that "mould" thing from? (The brown surround thing that encases the body) Have you got to make that too?
RE: Santos Hernandez bracing pattern (in reply to Ron.M)
Hi there Ron. I built the mold. You don't need one. Some makers use them some don't. There are also different variations of molds. I like to use it because it helps the sides retain their shape after bending and keeps everything together.
RE: Santos Hernandez bracing pattern (in reply to Conrad)
The famous Santos Hernandez from the book. (cant remember the name) has seven strut abanico, no closing struts and no bridge reinforcement parallel harmonic bars. The abanico is close to Torres/Hauser, just a tiny bit more parallel in the design. As far as I know, and its not much, Santos used various designs including 5 strut abanico. To your question about what is mostly used, I think 7strut, closing strut (torres) parallel harmonic bars and bridge reinforcement is leading the pack, closely followed by a Barbero in different variations. But I think most builders develop their own variation of the old masters I myself use Barbero as a starting point, but I work it very different from the original. I think the most important is to undersatand the bracing pattern and know how to change the small things in order to better the sound.
Your work is nice and clean, and a nice piece of spruce.