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Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
Hey, I just won an award!
Well blow me, and no apologies for the bragging rights. I had such a hard year working my guts out, no guitar at all (no time, too tired, never in the mood). After the layoffs I was just trying to keep my job and then I get this:
From: General Manager, Microsoft Services UK
Hi Simon,
One of the things I really like about this job of mine is that I get to know about all the great things that are being done in the UK Services team. Many of these achievements are highlighted through the various award programmes. I’m delighted to be able to tell you that your achievements earned you a nomination for a worldwide Services Great People Great Performance (GPGP) award – and you have been chosen as one of the winners!
You were nominated for how you took on a very complex engagement where a partner was failing to deliver and, with your technical knowledge, political savvy and tenacious approach helped turn the project into a great success. Your work resulted in a VSAT (top customer feedback score) – your third this year!
Thank you – and congratulations on your award!
Funny, I had this on my desktop all year. I guess it worked:
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Must feel good to be appreciated, Nice of them to acknowledge all your good work
Everyone needs some appreciation from time to time. It's a tricky company, Microsoft; they expect more than one's best but just when you've had enough, they remember you.
That project was tough though, 60,000 users and a lot of technical issues, whilst fighting off their CIO who didn't want to pay for it
Love to you and Harold too. I'll look you up when I come down to check on my house in September, probably.
Hey Arash, there was cash with the award but no pay rise... yet.
Posts: 1531
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: New York City/San Francisco
RE: Hey, I just won an award! (in reply to Escribano)
your technical knowledge, political savvy and tenacious approach helped turn the project into a great success.
These words describe you properly, I concur and congratulate you. The same applies here, on the foro... thank you for this gift, Escribano.
We should also send you an award (biweekly). For now, it will suffice to say that I -we- could not hope for a better, more competent, intelligent and congenial person to lead this little wonder you make available and manage, ForoFlamenco.com, "eso es" !!