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Doctor Compas Public Beta Version
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Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to JasonMcGuire)
Wow very cool man! Cyborg Soniquete! Ok I went through them all. I really was impressed with the first buleria, even though you have the count in 12's. Would be cool to have an option to turn that off if you want, also the timer thing would be cool to be able to shut that off too. But I can play with that and the way it changes is nice. I am able to cross the 12's with 6's without a problem like we have with many compas loops in 12's. But then I noticed you have also the 6's and Jaleos. For me the randomness and improvisation in the shorter compases like these is, well, TOO random if that makes sense. Not sure why because what was happening in the 12 beat compas was perfect. It seems there is never a groove at all in the shorter compases and the changes keep coming. Not sure what is involved to fix that. Only other curious thing was the Tanguillo, for me the way I feel the beat is not what your count or metronome click is doing. Relative to what you have there I feel 1 yes, but the second strong beat is the "&" between your counts 2 and 3.....so that the accent on 3 is felt like an off or up beat. And going to 6 makes it cuadrao, so that happens again for counts 4, then between counts 5 and 6. For me that is important because you can feel both the triplet type tanguillo and mix in the "galloping" feel tanguillo to the same beat and tempo, which happens sometimes. maybe you could have tanguillo1 and tanguillo2 like you have for some of the other palos? Anyway, crazy fun tool. Ricardo
CD's and transcriptions available here: www.ricardomarlow.com
Date Mar. 6 2010 9:37:18
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