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RE: Paco De Lucia using Lester Devoe
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Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Portland, Oregon
RE: Paco De Lucia using Lester Devoe (in reply to Mike_Kinny)
Lester Devoe is now costructing a blanca for Maestro Paco De Lucia, maybe Paco is paying this time. I would doubt that he does. And I would put money on it that Vicente doesn't pay either. Why would DeVoe charge them? When you have two of the best players in the world playing and recording with your guitars, it's the best and cheapest advertising you can get. He is a very prolific builder. I think he turns out about 20 guitars a year. assuming he gets paid for all of them at a bit over $6,000, after expenses (paying Paco and Vicente ), he may make close to $100,000 a year. For a guitar builder, that's big dough, but remember he lives in California, one of the most expensive places on the planet to live. Ruck is a machine. He cranks out something like 30 a year, which is unreal. His wife is his only helper. He told me he puts in less than 40 hours a week to do it. He said he runs his business like a small manufacturing plant. He even builds his on rosettes and bindings. I don't think he gets anymore than DeVoe. So 30 at $6,000, minus expenses, he may be around 150k a year. Big dough, but that's for two people and he's considered a living legand. Mid level managers in the US make that or more. Not a business to go into to get rich.
Date Feb. 20 2010 9:08:04
Posts: 15163
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Paco De Lucia using Lester Devoe (in reply to Mike_Kinny)
I often wondered about this, and I think there is no "trend" but it depends on the luthier. We know paco has stated he got a free guitar as a youngster, and my guess is he never paid for a guitar as the anecdote says. About not as famous guitarists like lets say, Nuñez... I was there in Sanlucar when Robert Ruck GAVE his own personal flamenco guitar that he used in the course, to gerardo for FREE. Gerardo was beside himself and said he was never given a guitar before. Not sure about the Marvi guitar, perhaps he paid very little for it as Doit said, I thought he was given that one too to be honest. I know Gerardo waited years for a Reyes (Reyes said in an interview even Vicente was not permitted to jump in line, and he recommend to vicente to buy 2 of em for that reason, incase something happened to one![;). I assume both guys did not pay top dollar but got a discount of some kind being stars. Gerardo did NOT like his Reyes and sold it, but I got to hear him play it). Regarding Ruck, he did not need to do this for money or advertising, because he has a long waiting list anyway. I think he did it because he was simply proud to see this guy using his instrument, and Ruck is famous for classicals but loves flamenco more I think. Just like Ramirez and Segovia. Every year Ruck came back with a new instrument, and I think gerardo exchanged each time but the last time, wanting to keep the blanca he uses in Saura's Iberia. Gerardo did NOT use it for advertising Ruck, but because he really liked that guitar, and probably wanted to repay him for the gift, nothing more. I personally feel that regarding Paco, a Luthier should be fine giving an instrument for free for the same reason, not advertising etc, but for prestige. Only reason for a luthier to charge paco I feel would be because he needed the money honestly, or was just very arrogant about his own work, that a guitar is somehow more then the player. I feel Reyes was established enough not to need to give any guitars to anybody.... in a way his "arrogance" is backed up if you understand what I mean. Same goes for makers like Arcangel Fernandez....and even Conde don't need to be giving free guitars NOW, although they did in the past. But other makers not so famous probably should be proud to get an instrument in Paco's hands. We can ask Anders opinion.... would he give a guitar to Paco today for free if Paco wanted one???? Ok just my 2 bits.
CD's and transcriptions available here: www.ricardomarlow.com
Date Feb. 21 2010 13:00:44
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