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Posts: 17
Joined: Jun. 22 2009

Suspicious “doubts” or political... 

What makes you think that Andalusian Guitars is obliged to respond to your “core question”
posed in this thread and reveal what you need them to reveal to sell your guitars better and to do politics against a product with which obviously you can not compete?

Paco De Lucia’s endorsement has being given to “Andalusian Guitars” and not to any specific individual person or luthier that you,out of the blue now by “coincidence” want so anxiously to know, to dispel YOUR illegitimate doubts and unfounded speculations?

This is the best store of flamenco guitars in Europe
And that’s enough prove of authenticity.

If it is not enough for you, perhaps you can ask your doctor for some pills…

Andalusian Guitars on Europe

flamenco guitars


when people asks who is making these or those guitars and where etc. the reasons for their questions can be as follows:

1) Only to do politics.(take advantage somehow)

2) To make a better financial offer to that particular luthier for another firm.(or to sell this information to the competitors, can be even Chinese market etc.I personally meet one that tried to buy this info for Chinese company, to duplicate high end guitars for 100 dollars each…and therefore destroy the hand made Spanish market etc.)

3) Just out of harmless curiosity( this is 1% of people)
-unlike you- with no intention to harm or take advantage, but unfortunately, this is the exception and not the rule, the other 99% falls is categories 1 or 2 or both!

Happy end…

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 11:58:36

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran


What makes you think that Andalusian Guitars is obliged to respond to your “core question”


If I may say, that is a bit of a crazy argument really.

I mean, I occasionally get a boilerhouse phoning me up trying to sell me thousands of pounds worth of shares in a company that they can't say too much about due to "commercial sensitivity" except for the fact that they are expected to go to five times the price in only 12 months.
They don't have a registered company address or Head Office telephone number they are prepared to give out nor can provide any written information about who they are, except for a Gmail email address or get someone to call me or email me back.
Meanwhile my phone shows "Number Withheld".

What you are saying really is.."How dare you question my word and ask me to provide proof!"

Nuts as far as normal conducted business goes IMO...

Why would you expect a different response from ANYONE with a bit of sense?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 12:09:37


Posts: 1506
Joined: Dec. 5 2007
From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran


I personally meet one that tried to buy this info for Chinese company, to duplicate high end guitars for 100 dollars each…

Can you PM me when these Chinese guitars make it to the market? TIA
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 12:14:46

Posts: 346
Joined: Jan. 3 2006

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran


ORIGINAL: amirdeiran


I am not that person in youtube thanks to heaven…

I trade you my Conde for this guitar
as you said for ANY Andalusian model…

but I seriously doubt that you can ever afford it…

Not sure if you received my PM so I'll copy it here:

Just wanted to say, I am sorry Amir I thought that guy on YouTube ( ) was you - just a coincidence: same name. origin, and he also plays a Conde..
I really like how his guitar sounds though. No, I am seriously looking for a Conde negra ( ) and thought that trading for an "Andalusian" would have been a good deal for me because all "Andalusian" guitars I have seen were
for sale for at least half of the list price.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 12:19:39

Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

You are amazing Ruben so I'm going to let you stick around... nada mas así de huevos.

We might come to some agreement yet.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 12:48:30


Posts: 689
Joined: Feb. 12 2009

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to Escribano


You are amazing Ruben so I'm going to let you stick around.

The moment you ban him 3 more just-registered first-time-posters with the same writing style and using excessive links in their post will show up and will play same old broken record.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 12:57:16

Posts: 765
Joined: Oct. 30 2009
From: Mier

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

Granted the forum does seem to enjoy the odd witch hunt (see Fakemenco) but there are just too many curious details surrounding Andalusian Guitars not the least of which is the prominence of Professor Diaz in the video not to raise suspicions the endorsement of PdL notwithstanding. But it's caveat emperor after all and given the prices listed (inquire for an instrument of veiled provenance is a hoot) they are fair game I would say.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 12:57:44


Posts: 689
Joined: Feb. 12 2009

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to aeolus


the forum does seem to enjoy the odd witch hunt

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:00:42


Posts: 689
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RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to Ron.M



What Amir? This is professor Ruben.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:04:24

Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

politics ? financial offer to the luthier ?


so 99% of the people here want to use your "luthiers" to make money?

this guy is unbelievable

oh and just because one shop in europe accepted to sell your guitars (LaSonnata) doesn't mean anything. most brands are beeing sold in 100s of shops worldwide.

congratulations !! you found one shop in europe ! wow ! repeat mentioning it over and over again (and its not the biggest in europe btw)

btw, why don't you just told the people honestly in your 15 "how to choose a flamenco guitar" videos, that you are behind Andalusian Guitars, and you just want to sell Andalusian Guitars (with your POLITICS, in those videos) ?

who is making POLITICS all the time since last year ?
just look in the mirror !

oh and i am talking to Ruben and not Amir


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:14:35

Posts: 227
Joined: Jan. 11 2006

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

I don't know if any of you noticed this, but in this link, it seems professor Ruben has accelerated his recording to match paco de lucia's playing speed.
Look how he abnormaly moves fast (body, head and expressions).

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:15:00

Posts: 9705
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

Your product, a crappy guitar ( in my opinion -condoms on each middle finger-) is not Andaluz in the least, features a headstock design taken from a very famous 19th century French luthiers design. Stolen non Spanish design.

Strike one.

Strike two you false advertise when you say your instruments are constructed in the same manner as the Spanish masters Barbero and Santos. That is an out right lie. More false advertising Those guitars are not even in the same universe as a Santos. This shows your lack of integrity.

Strike three and you're out: Paco de Lucia does not promote your product and in fact has a cease and desist order against you using for his name. You are using his name illegally.

Foul ball, your continual proprietary non disclosure. You can't back up your product with facts about it's origin or process of fabrication.

In the guitar business your methods are considered dishonest.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:20:59

Posts: 1141
Joined: Apr. 10 2007

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to estebanana

In my opinion....Your not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:26:29

Posts: 5078
Joined: Apr. 10 2005

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

EDIT: decided to delete my opinion and reduce it to spectating with some popcorn instead...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:28:11

Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to ashod



I don't know if any of you noticed this, but in this link, it seems professor Ruben has accelerated his recording to match paco de lucia's playing speed.
Look how he abnormaly moves fast (body, head and expressions).

the interesting thing in this video is not the speed (he might be that fast), but the fact that he is playing along with the original recording. and this video is forwarded to LaSonnata as "Sound Sample" and Video for Andalusian Guitars.

the only reason is that the guitar sounds so crappy that he wants to hide it and mix it with the Conde sound LOL

oh, and check this out.
in the description of this video he mentions


Comparison between Andalusian Guitars guitar Model: Santos Hernandez 1930 Sound Portal played by Prof. Diaz and Faustin Conde 1976 Rosewood (Male) played by Paco de Lucia

oh yes, let me compare the sound of those 2 guitars with your video.
oh yes, the Andalusian Guitar sounds better. i can't even hear the Conde, the Conde is so bad !

man, LMAO

the more i search about this guy, the more hilarious things i find


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:38:24

Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to ashod


don't know if any of you noticed this, but in this link, it seems professor Ruben has accelerated his recording to match paco de lucia's playing speed.
Look how he abnormaly moves fast (body, head and expressions).

Nah, the flashing of the VCR or DVD behind him looks to be at about about one second intervals.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:39:14


Posts: 603
Joined: Jul. 3 2006
From: Slovenija

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran


vengo de los san migueles
si no me caso este año que yo
me caso el año que viene
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:47:46

Posts: 227
Joined: Jan. 11 2006

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

Escribano, you gave the proof yourself. The VCR is moving faster then one second.

Plus, try to watch the video without any sound, you'll find his body and neck movement strange. I really feel something fishy about this video...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 13:52:57

Posts: 1182
Joined: Jul. 19 2007
From: Frankfurt, Germany

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to ashod

Ruben used to always move like that. And personally I don't mind.
This recording is perfectly useful as an instructional video, but useless as a sound sample.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 14:25:47

Posts: 15509
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From: Washington DC

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to ashod



Escribano, you gave the proof yourself. The VCR is moving faster then one second.

Plus, try to watch the video without any sound, you'll find his body and neck movement strange. I really feel something fishy about this video...

He has a strange jerky movement even during his slow vids. This is not sped up, he just has something weird going on with his motion, and perhaps the frame rate of the video.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 14:28:04

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran

I've tried to play the third string,...but I should have known was an advanced lesson and the beginners could not follow it.

He was completely right, I just can;t follow that guy at all.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 14:32:14

Posts: 1182
Joined: Jul. 19 2007
From: Frankfurt, Germany

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to Ricardo


strange jerky movement

C'mon, I wanted to stay polite...


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 14:41:15


Posts: 603
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From: Slovenija

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to bursche


This recording is perfectly useful as an instructional video, but useless as a sound sample.

Don't know about this one, but I checked his La Villa Vieja and half of it is wtf, just made up. Don't waste your time, rather listen to Paco's recording closely and use David Leiva's nice tab.


vengo de los san migueles
si no me caso este año que yo
me caso el año que viene
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 14:43:58

Posts: 1182
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From: Frankfurt, Germany

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to Matic

I don't use these videos anyway at the moment.
But even with wrong fingerings you get a better idea of how a piece works if you see anyone play it anyhow. Ruben is still good, there is just "something weird going on"

At the moment I learn Miguels "En el tablao" and I would have failed without having a video of it being played.

In that case it was actually a really good rendition by a german guitarist named Peter Wirth:


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 14:48:50


Posts: 603
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From: Slovenija

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to bursche

Well the vid is great reference sure but only if there's not "something [really] weird going on". He plays wrong chords, made up remates, he's missing notes. Well, one could also learn his version and it would actually sound quite good and similar to the original. But honestly can you be more gay than that?


vengo de los san migueles
si no me caso este año que yo
me caso el año que viene
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 14:59:35

Posts: 1182
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From: Frankfurt, Germany

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to Matic


But honestly can you be more gay than that?

Spazz attack?


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 15:01:25

Posts: 4516
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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to Ricardo



he just has something weird going on with his motion

i just discovered that his right leg has some weird movement too, whenever he wants to tell a lie , for example here at 0.49 , suddenly his body starts to shake a little bit and his right leg is out of control

ok ok, enough for today


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 15:11:16

Posts: 441
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From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to Escribano


ORIGINAL: Escribano

You are amazing Ruben so I'm going to let you stick around... nada mas así de huevos.

Same IP address?


Upgraded Yamaha CG171SF
The Guitar Student Journal
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 15:38:19

Posts: 1141
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RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to GuitarVlog

LotsOfFakery™ going on lately..... okay. I will come clean.... my real name is not Jason.

Its Fernando.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 15:44:34
gj Michelob

Posts: 1531
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From: New York City/San Francisco

RE: Suspicious “doubts” or polit... (in reply to amirdeiran


Paco De Lucia’s endorsement has being given to “Andalusian Guitars”

Paco’s hand written endorsement is grammatically embarrassing, “Las Guitarras [plural] Andalusian Es [singular] la Mejor ….”

I would venture to guess "Nacho Libre" scribbled that one

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gj Michelob
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 7 2010 16:19:18
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