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The only thing we have to worry about is paying more for bandwidth, that is happening already and will continue to evolve. Just be ready to open your wallet if you want to download lots of stuff.
Also, keep in mind you are US centric with your countries Millenium Act and all that BS, RIAA suing and getting judgement of millions of dollars for a few songs, etc. It is nuts in the US! So if Internet providers are able to limit sites, then it sounds like the US has more in common with Iran than you would care to admit.
Most of us don't live in the US and wish the US would take a hike.
Well, look where the Millenium Ac t came from. Look at the RIAA and the MPAA. No one in Canada has been sued for downloading music - or most other places for that matter that I am aware of.
In Canada you can go to the library and take out a CD of music, copy it to your hard drive and listen to it for your own enjoyment. We pay a minor fee on recordable media and that allows us to record content legally for fair use.
But the US is breathing down our back to get us to align with the restrictive Millenium Act. The US has gone to far and really gutted fair use provisions.
It may be a global issue, but the driver is largely the US.
this is a good thing...then we all can just get back to life, living it, practicing ...doing stuff..its very eazy to get distracted from all that..and spend too much time on the net...whatever it will be it will be, dosent matter either way imo
hehe sounds like a setup for a computer game or a movie lol
i have only got the patience to sit trough about half of it ...sounds like a propaganda film to scare people of united nations lol
the "leagues of elite" or whatever they like to call them do make a good point...instead of everybody looking out for their backyard everybody looking out for everybody...it does sound like less chance of conflict between countries however ugly this propaganda film tries to paint it
its not really all that different now ...theres still only a couple of elite nations calling all the shots and running the world only difference they dont look out for everybody else...unless they have an interest in it
There are lots of "oh no!" end of life as we know it conspiracies. I actually still remember my life without the net, and it was just fine. Not worried much about it, they don't come true. 2000 came and went. 2001 also. And 2012 the same. Although all the folks that die that year, from their point of view, it was the end.
If they slowdonw pages who dont pay enough...it will have no impact on the foro I think.. Its already slowdowned.. haha So,.. we dont have to fear anynthing!
ROFL!! awesome man.. I too heard about this hmm maybe it might be a good thing actually cause then people won't be wasting so much time on the internet like we ALL are guilty of. I read Vicente's interview from his last album and he said the following: (deflamenco.com)
"Then they’re with their computers, internet…I don’t like that internet thing at all. I don’t even have a cell phone. That internet thing is a big waste of time, everyone knows everything immediately, there’s no escape. When you think how nice it used to be when they would put a poster up with your face, and everyone would say “Look, Vicente is coming to my town, he’s going to perform”. Now, they have you nailed wherever you go. I don’t like people all over the world knowing where I am at every moment. And when I decided not to have a cell phone, I had my doubts, but I think it’s the best thing in the world. I said “Hey, that’s the end of the cell phone, now I just play guitar”. My studio used to seem like an office, I couldn’t even tune up in peace…it was very stressful."
The saying "Dont know what ya got till its gone" comes to mind.
This discusion immediately seemed go towards an"End of the world" direction.
Thats not what i was talking about. Im talking about regulation of the internet. Im talking about having to pay unsightly fee's for things that are free for now.
Not the end of the world, yeah. But i find it hard to believe that all of you think the internet could suddenly be heavily regulated and expensive, and none of you would care at all.
I dont know about you guys, but i love the privelage of having so much information at my fingertips. All the free video and audio. All my friends on the forums. Being able to share audio and video for free with people all over the world. I think its amazing, and it would be sad if it all became heavily regulated and expensive. The internet has enriched my life very much.
You guys talk like you dont really care. What if you could never visit the Foro ever again? You wouldnt care? I find that awful hard to believe.
ToddK, don't get me wrong, I care very much about the internet and I think a lot like you do, which I believe I said already about Millenium Act etc. You should write your congressman, for goodness sakes. You are living in the evil empire, do something about it! However, I think that the content you know and love will continue. I wouldn't worry about that yet.
I think what will happen is that commercial content providers will be very careful with how they put material on the internet, like NBC with the Olympics. Even Jason's Flamenco Lessons site is very careful to the point where there are minor irritations to be lived with. Unfortunately that is what content providers aparently need to do to protect their intellectual property.
However, many people share freely i.e. Reuben LOL, and yourself, and their is a lot of stuff that is in the commons without worry about copyright issues. Most of the interesting youtube stuff is provided by guys like us.
And for the bit torrent and emule downloaders, they will never be defeated! They are like wack a mole. Defeat one and two replace it. I think music labels should charge 10 cents a song. Then they would make inroads against downloading. Why does a distribution system like the iTunes charge 99 cents per song, that is almost like a CD price, and it comes lockdowned so you can play it or have it on only one device at a time, is less quality than a wave file, and all that other BS you have to put up with n(although the play restrictions are slowly disappearing thankfully).
The Pirate Bay should move to Palestine or Somalia. Try and shut them down there!
Of course they will have to make the internet saleable, and some of the offerings now include the ablity to download videos thru google chrome, and real player, and may later extend to media sites such as cnn.com, nbc, cbs, etc. EDIT: (Though I am not making any corporate predictions and make no claim what media corps or providers will do now or in the future.) What they are doing is trying to make the internet faster, safer to use and eliminate abuse. Coining the definition 'bandwith hog,' was the term.
I can't tell you the anger I have when a website is slow for all of the people tying up the traffic. So on the one hand you may be able to shop for your content and download it one time, you won't be able to share it. And we must admit the bandwidth traffic is a mess. Content sharing, well.....
So out of the normal capacity of society to try and improve something, ultimately brings about change, which people ultimately dread. Try to look at it this way, if they are talking about one particular thing which is moderating access, they are not yet in competition for your buisness which ultimately means they have to improve the situation to make it worth your hard earned money. Which means improvements in safe and legal accesibility to things that we will want. Unless you're a hog!!! My 2 cts Gary