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RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Ailsa)
hahahahha Thanks so much ya'll!!!! I really appreciate all your praise, support, comments, just everything. Its really amazing!! Thank you! Especially to the judges, for being so straight up, and indiscriminate, yet very respctful, helpful and inspirational. I really got ALOT out of the critiques. And of course, to Doit and Ailsa! Sensational job putting this together,and putting up with all the crap!! Thank you!
This really means so much to me. Im extremely happy, and feel really good about what i was able to accomplish. I worked like a maniac. You cant imagine.
I re-built my technique (to conventional right hand) from the ground up in less than 4 months. And (in case anybody's wondering) i recorded my entry in mono, with a beat up old Shure SM57.
It was'nt easy but hey, i really need that handmade Anders Cejilla!!!!!! My Dunlop capo is SOOOOO Not Flamenco!!!
Anders, PM me , i'll give you my address! I need that Cejilla ASAP amgio!
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to ToddK)
Congrats to everyone! It's an honor to be here with you..
Thanks to the organizers and judges, this challenge is a valuable lesson even for us who didn't compete, some great advice there!
And of course, the biggest ole goes to you, Todd! I wanted to ask you about your practicing routine during these months but I guess it's obvious. Everything you were saying and every advice you have given here in all these years has now been proven by the best genuine example. OLE!
vengo de los san migueles si no me caso este año que yo me caso el año que viene
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Matic)
Everything you were saying and every advice you have given here in all these years has now been proven by the best genuine example. OLE!
Knowing when something sounds right and when something is not really there has been an accelerating factor in Todd's application of his new technique IMO.
Really well done Todd!
And also as Ricardo always says:
"Practise does not make "perfect"....it makes "permanent".
So no use slogging away for hours and hours at something to get it faster and faster while it still has mediocre tone and mediocre rhythm. You'll just spend ages "unlearning" it all again.
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Matic)
Everything you were saying and every advice you have given here in all these years has now been proven by the best genuine example
This is the statement i was refering to, which i was trying to make within this challenge. Thank you so much for saying that Matic.
Same goes for you Ron. Thank you for that affirmation ive longed for, for so long.
I always felt like people never really took what i said very seriously, and always felt, for the most part, written off, simply because my technique was so against the grain. Its a bit frustrating, especially combined with the direct insults to my technique which i, right or wrongly, took very personally.
More so though, i really have just always wanted to feel like "Part of the group". Like i "Fit in" here. I think my "raw" and "unsweetened" style of critique was a result of that frustration and feeling like a bit of an "Outcast".
I have accomplished my goals thus far, but still have tons of work ahead of me. But i do feel like now, i can at least chime in with a suggestion, or a critique, and feel like i have solid ground from which to speak. I love to play, strictly for the sake, and the joy of playing, but i must admit, getting a little respect, and having my opinions taken a bit more seriously is important to me. I feel like, at least to a certain extent, at this point doing what i did in this challenge, I have earned at least a minimal amount of that respect. I am on level ground with all the players here now, and feel a new sense of freedom of expression. It feels good. I feel like "one of the guys" now. Foolish? Maybe. Petty? likely... but that's just how i am. As braisin as i come off sometimes, im extremely sensative, and take comments to heart. I, just like pretty much everybody on this planet, just want to feel "Accepted".
Anyway, i feel good about how the whole thing came out, and look forward to a more joyful and free expirience here. This Foro,and the members are very important to me. I'm so grateful to be a part of it. Thank you.. TK
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Congrats Todd.
I really think you deserved it. Just one question: Now that you have chnaged to "standard" playing (And have wonn the challenge ) Doesn´t it just feel so much better to play with the "real thing", the thumb?
To me, its one of the main reasons I play flamenco. This sound produced by the thumb and the fell it gives when I do it well.
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to ToddK)
I always felt like people never really took what i said very seriously, and always felt, for the most part, written off, simply because my technique was so against the grain. Its a bit frustrating, especially combined with the direct insults to my technique which i, right or wrongly, took very personally.
More so though, i really have just always wanted to feel like "Part of the group". Like i "Fit in" here. I think my "raw" and "unsweetened" style of critique was a result of that frustration and feeling like a bit of an "Outcast".
I have accomplished my goals thus far, but still have tons of work ahead of me. But i do feel like now, i can at least chime in with a suggestion, or a critique, and feel like i have solid ground from which to speak. I love to play, strictly for the sake, and the joy of playing, but i must admit, getting a little respect, and having my opinions taken a bit more seriously is important to me. I feel like, at least to a certain extent, at this point doing what i did in this challenge, I have earned at least a minimal amount of that respect. I am on level ground with all the players here now, and feel a new sense of freedom of expression. It feels good. I feel like "one of the guys" now. Foolish? Maybe. Petty? likely... but that's just how i am. As braisin as i come off sometimes, im extremely sensative, and take comments to heart. I, just like pretty much everybody on this planet, just want to feel "Accepted".
Anyway, i feel good about how the whole thing came out, and look forward to a more joyful and free expirience here. This Foro,and the members are very important to me. I'm so grateful to be a part of it. Thank you..
Wow Todd!!
That's the most eloquent post you've made in the last four and a half years here!
I think gj's influence is extending further than I had previously thought!
Posts: 1935
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Ron.M)
great job everyone! i listened to all entries many times and had a lot of fun examining a details...Todd's playing is fantastic and deserves to win - and no we're not on level grounds, i've seen you and Ricardo play before i even started to play flamenco so i can count you guys both as influences :)...i'm just happy to be in this group of excellent players...to be honest i expected to be 7th place and it's a very positive surprise coming 5th...i'm not yet an advanced player...maybe in a few years... my biggest surprise in the challenge was Doitsujin, who was a very close 2nd in my opinion and dude, i'd like to hear you play a lot more! looking forward to future challenges (too bad i can't compete in intermediate anymore :))
Posts: 4502
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Hey Todd, excellent, open, honest Post. However, for me you were always "accepted" and i always knew that you know what you are talking about and i always knew that you are as much sensitive as all others here or even more than some, even though you seemed to be icecold sometimes , but that was only a Shield. However, "welcome again" to the Thumb-Club
Oh, and me too forgot to thank Ailsa, Doit and all the other judges for the great job.
This place is the best example of what a "foro" should really be!
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Congratulations from me too! Todd, you play like this, despite changing your technique in such a radical way. I don't know what to say, that just makes me want to shut up and start practicing.
You guys are all a great source of inspiration.
Henrik/Starfruit, I recognized your light and effortless style right away :-) Gabe/Honeydew, your trippy playing is unmistakable off course :-D And Ole Doitsujin!
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Ailsa)
Hi All,
thank you Ailsa for posting the scores. I believe the wooden spoon is mine. That was my first alegria, there was zero lateral thinking just what was on the tab, the recording was about as good as i could manage, and the scoring was fair - I appreciate people taking the time to listen.
Congratulations to the winner. I think I rember from somewhere that you, Todd, don't play full time that flamenco guitar is a hobby? If so that's encouraging. Some of these 12 hr a day phenomenal guitarists don't make for realistic role models, for me at least.
Thank you to every one involved in the organisation, Ailsa and Doitsujin particularly. regards, Richard
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Congratulations Todd! I can't believe you ever had any self-doubt. I have always found your youtube videos extremely inspirational and your contributions to this forum invaluable.
Congratulations to the others as well. All the entries were at an extremely high standard and they could only be rated in relation to each other, since individually they all sounded stellar.
Posts: 232
Joined: Mar. 1 2007
From: Florida and San Francisco Cali
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
I haven't been following this thread but finally was able to listen.. wow you guys sound good! thats a lot of work.. I don't know who is who but I listened to all sounds and Grape was the best then Strawberry..
I guess Todd was Grapes? Nice job Todd !! man your switch from pick to fingers wasn't that big a problem for you!
Posts: 1531
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: New York City/San Francisco
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Ron.M)
I think gj's influence is extending further than I had previously thought!
Ha ha ha Ron, is it really my fault? If it is I am rather proud of it. Not just my proverbial intricate loquacity but more that poignant sentimentalism I indulge, seems to permeate Todd’s and other posts. I love this ForoFlamenco, I really do.
There were two aspects of Todd’s contribution I did not care for, while I always held him in the greatest esteem as a phenomenal and knowledgeable musician: 1. His pick & fingers hybrid technique –now unreservedly superseded by this persuasive showing of technical improvement; 2. A sense of cold distance I perceived reading his posts –warmly replaced by this last open-letter, showing that in fact a wonderful man was behind this great musician.
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to gj Michelob)
i should mention that i really appreciate the difficulty in wich Doit did his...its one thing to play it and record it at home comfortible by yourself and rerecord it until you are happy with it...but to do it in front of someone its extra hard, and u relying on their palmas ( one palmas mistake can throw off the whole feel).. ads extra fear and pressure aside from the difficulty of the falseta and its in the back of your mind that this person is waiting for you so u dont have unlimited tries
really really well done Doit i appreciate the ..difficult manner in witch you did yours
if it was up to me i dont know that i would be brave enough to do it that way for a competition...but u really did it the hard way there amigo
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Thanks so much all!!! Im so thrilled!
Right on there Florian, Doit's attempt was extremely gutsy, and i was very impressed with his playing, and i am very happy about him winning the Flamenco Lessons.com challenge. He really deserved that. He is a totally solid player, and just such a great guy.
I really think that this challenge was very even across the top 4. Ricardo, Duende, and Doit's entries were all totally solid, and easily could have won. I mean, look how close the scoring was!!
Duende, only 3 points away from victory!! DUDE!! That's virtually a tie. If circumstances were a bit different for you the last 2 months, and you had a bit more prep time, you definately would have won this one.
You deserve a special OLE' for your effort here. You are one of the strongest players on this site, period. Great job!
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Congrats Todd, you are incredibly unbelieavable!! Gotta post a video soon, i have to see it! I have to say i will miss your hybrid technique, and the flipping pinky when you do tremolo! Yes it was a very even race, although i had no doubts that Grapes would win. I scored for Lychee, because i thought it had a special dynamics and feeling to it. He was really digging into the strings. A 'risky' or brave record if you want, but that is something i always admire, and when i hear something like that, i will easily forget some little mistakes here and there.
i should mention that i really appreciate the difficulty in wich Doit did his...its one thing to play it and record it at home comfortible by yourself and rerecord it until you are happy with it...but to do it in front of someone its extra hard, and u relying on their palmas ( one palmas mistake can throw off the whole feel).. ads extra fear and pressure aside from the difficulty of the falseta and its in the back of your mind that this person is waiting for you so u dont have unlimited tries
Did he already post that video, did i miss it? Im sure he just used a compas track.
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
TODDK!!!! Your playing is outstanding!!! I congratulate for the 1st place! Your sound is perfect, your playing is fresh like an alegria should be, you don’t rush, you play with well accents and you played a phenomenal interpretation of la ardila. Your mp3 got a permanent place on my mp3-player! You deserve to celebrate this without holding back. We all think the same!
I want to thank also the other challengers fort their great contributions! These audios were really entertaining and I liked to recognize the player via his playing! For example I recognized Edgar via his dark interpretation of this light alegria and ToddK via his great sound, creativity and the tiny cheesy touch that I like so much! I wasn’t sure with Ricardo because normally you play more accurate IMO. Duende did what I expected, he played very solid in the way we know from him.
All entries were great performances and very close. So it was indeed very hard to judge. I want to thank all the judges for taking the time to listen and rating! I also liked it very much that every judge pointed out their opinions on each playing with some comments! That was really good and I’m sure every player found some good points to work on further. Thank you judges!
Ailsa! Thank you for your presence, great ideas, managing the uploads and always fast replies to me questions! Very good communication! Thank you Ailsa, without you the challenge may have ended differently.
Now let me thank also all people who didn’t participated but commented in any way here! You kept the challenge alive and which was very important to me, you kept the positive energy up when I had a breakdown! So, I really have the feeling that we are bunch of people who are associated via our shared love the flamenco and also personally. Because we organize such nice challenges together, all people work together and discuss their opinions in a peaceful way and.. yes I think it is very amazing that so many so different so far to each other living people manage to stick together like in this forum!! I want to thank especially Ron because he hold all together and ESTEVAN for this place here and all the work and money I guess behind the scenes! I am happy to write this and really mean that!
The only bad thing on this challenge is… I didn´t get the Anders Cejilla.. But its in good hands now. ;.)
Ok, now let me say something to my contribution. … There were no dancer.. I wanted to record in a dance-studio but I forgot my mp3 with the loop this day.. So I recorded in my kitchen. … I meant in the dirty kitchen of a friend of mine.. hehe. The dancer was my girlfriend, she put some wet clothes on a line while I started to play at this day. The singing and jaleos were natural. She didn’t know what my plan was and didn’t want her on the track. Well,.. because the cam had no energy left,.. I had no choice.
Almost every judge told me I rushed somewhere. Well,.. I must agree.. And at that place where it was the case most obvious my girlfriend shouted „you have to practice that part!!“ .. Haha.. so she also had that impression. Because nobody of you would understand her, I thought,.. well maybe they think it was a jaleo and they don’t hear this mistake.. hahaha.. But you heard it. I saw Ricardo already uploaded his playing! That was even nicer than the audio alone! I would be happy about more videos. I like to watch your techniques Ricardo, they look so tight! Very good Ricardo I enjoy to watch it!
So, I also want to share the video to my audio with you! I hope you enjoy it! Please don’t comment on my posing.. there is no posing.. When I played this, I didn’t think I would use this take.. so, no posing a la Vicente. ;.) Just the plain truth. My dirty kitchen and me.
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Doitsujin)
ORIGINAL: Doitsujin My dirty kitchen and me.
LOL! You are so cool man. Thx for posting this, i knew it would crack me up! Olé! Ps: Sometimes you look like "Ahem... could you please shot up for only 2 minutes??!"
Posts: 4502
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Ole Doit! That was fantastic. You are so relaxed when playing. Great Thumb work Man. Videos are really somthing different. Btw, the kitchen is not dirty at all. The ground is white and clean. Thats what counts. Dirty Dishes are not so important. You have to see my kitchen after a lazy weekend.
btw, Ricardo is very easy to pinpoint (->his rasgueos). I am astonished that you couldn't find out
RE: **Advanced Challenge Entries** (in reply to Florian)
Hmm.. maybe sometimes I am too relaxed while playing.
Hey Deniz, you are half right. Well, I have nothing against jaleos and some integration. But I feared a bit she would come up with some weird contras or accents on 2, 5 and 11... That would have killed me. She had lessons from Andres Marin and he dances almost any accent only on the weireds beats.... I would no be able to play for him... But I like his dance. And his guitarrist Guiterez!