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i love it but its because it makes me lough lol is this for real ? it gets worst every year..people pretending to play instruments which arent amplified...they play instruments wich play notes when they arent playing..they are singing when their lips arent moving....all presenters insist on making jokes that leave you
Tanned up Greek gods doing Ricky Martin Moves from 8 years ago( and i dont mean "like" him...it was his moves lol) and grabbing crutch and tearing tshirt
White Finish guys doing Rap ..with the baseball cap backwoods !! that was done in 85...noone wears their baseball cap backwoods anymore.."wow man youre like Technotronic or something
Camp german contestant pretending hes singing to a girl
Russian Diva...has a video in the background of her crying lol while shes singing..( i was cringing)
Its funny how everysong reminds you of another song you might have heard before only the words are different
Every year gets more and more ridicoulous lol theres starving homles kids in Russia and everywhere in Europe and they put up 5 swimming pools and suspend them above a football stadium (i have never seen a more sensless waiste of money in my life, but this was so sensless it almost makes you angry, makes you wanna cry... and the crowd was screaming on the top of their lungs because there were people .in them..err. swimming!!!! .).also the swimmers had to be flown in from Argentina( had to be from Argentina lol couldnt just get anyone to swim) can swim in them for 5 minutes lol..
every act has fire works ! ice scaters, people coming out of pianos, people doing backflips
Allright I wanna hear what you guys think of it ? who did you vote for ? someone must be voting..
and before you jump on me i am not speaking as an australian i am speaking as an ex european wondering ...WTF..
i think i am starting to know who got us in the recession...it was paying for the Eurovision props
They say this started for peace...but beeing from romanian background i feel like starting a war with a few countries around us..
i mean romania was just as terrible as everysingle one there...why did we come almost last..Uk was acctualy talented and could sing
I got a word or 2 to say to Grisha whats with the swimming pools suspended above the freaking stadium bro ?
heres some memories of the Eurovision SONG contest dont get me wrong i love it lol but i wanna know what it is..is it a comedy show ? a props competition ? a fashion parade ? anyone know ?
serious is it sopossed to be serious or is it a comedy show ? the songs are way better than the presentors jokes lol
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RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
The girl in the first picture is Marilyn Manson's ex-gf.
CNN has been playing outtakes of the winner singing and playing the violin. Seems like there's no shortage of talentless people in the world. I actually laugh when I hear his voice.
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Pgh_flamenco)
ORIGINAL: Pgh_flamenco Seems like there's no shortage of talentless people in the world.
I didnt watch anything of it. What happened with the swimming pools?? I didnt understand. That girls name is Dita von Teese, and she was praised in Germany media over weeks as the best "Burlesque"-Dancer in the world. In other words, Striptease?
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to XXX)
That girls name is Dita von Teese, and she was praised in Germany media over weeks as the best "Burlesque"-Dancer in the world. In other words, Striptease?
Yes, it's called "striptease." Dita has a giant martini glass she swims around in onstage.
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to XXX)
look it up on youtube..might find something..it was the most spectaculary ridicoulos thing i have ever seen lol
this is an example of what i mean every song i hear at the eurovision feels like a dejavo of another popular song...sometimes they change the words, sometimes the melody lol
and ofcourse even the romanian song reminds me of another song lol
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Escribano)
u got to use whatever you got ...i notice in eurovision they love accesories...and if you have anyone famous for any reason in your country bring them on stage...even if theres no point..bee it that they are an iceskater, a striper
Who's we?
lol Romania...half way through the voting i was fighting for the bottom, it went from ..hope to cursing at countries until i finally i resorted to " OK just dont score anyone under us anymore"
by the end i was just happy they werent last..really i dont know how everyone found it so eazy to deferenciate...it was all cr*p lol...but like i said...accesories...we need Nadia on stage...or dracula or fireworks, or to pretend they playing a violin or something..
I would love to be a fly on the wall in someones house voting and listen to them
"Yeah Malta was good , very talented but there was no fireworks, no backflips, no revealing clothes, no famous people walking on stage for no reason...it was just music "
after this i am gonna walk in my music shop tomarow and ask for the same microphones they all used for their instruments...they were incredible..no belt pack, no bugs, no sign of it ..and their sound was incredible..like recorded in the studio..
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
after this i am gonna walk in my music shop tomarow and ask for the same microphones all they seemed to use for their instruments...they were incredible..no belt pack, no bugs, no sign of it was incredible..like recorded in the studio
The rule was everything could be lip-synched but one singer had to be live; I suspect all instrumentals were pre-recorded.
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
I'm not defending it We've been taking the piss out of this camp rubbish for years - can't remember the last time someone got serious about it. Except for Abba, of course ... oh look, there's Napoleon.
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RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
I only saw 3 bands from the contest of this year on youtube .. and I like it.. The first place was nice. Also the acrobatic dancers were cool. And yes I saw the german "act"... He looked a bit gay... But nothing against the hot lady in black please! So sad I missed the contest.. Seems to get more and more entertaining.
Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to farteindj)
the whole thing is a joke... the songs are mostly awful, the same clichés over and over with singers lacking talent and creativity... maybe all the singers could sing in their own languages...that might make the show more interesting... the most ridiculous thing is that all the same countries are ALWAYS voting for each other, no matter what...Romania-Moldova, the Baltic countries, the Slavic countries east and south, Cyprus-Greece, Scandinavia...wherever there's blood/language relationship or large minorities you can tell exactly who they're voting for...(so we - Hungary - have no chance at all, but i'm actually glad we don't :))
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
yeah well what do you want ...everyone else stuck to themselfs ..Molodva was part of romania once..they sang in romanian, it was only natural i was more proud of moldova than romania who always goes on there trying to be something they not..
i was shoked Hungary our neigbours didnt give us nothing
I was embarassed, Spain gave romania 7 and we gave em nothing ..felled bad lol
I think our guy was actually really playing his violin there. Being a conservatory trained violinist, that's sort of part of his thing.
that he may very well be but he wasent playing on the night lol..i could be wrong but the sound was too studio quality, his moving while playing was too free..and oh yea...no sign of amplification or live sound..
anyway dont take offence i enjoy taking the pi*s out of all off them, i accutaly didnt mind the norway guy..atleast it was a song..even if the words kind of made you go hmm ?
"Years ago when i was youngher, i kind of liked a girl i knew" ...sing it homeboy i am with you
" She was mine and we were sweethearts" AUU
"But that was then but then its true "...hmm ?
look hes "playing" again, and the sound is perfect again
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
ORIGINAL: Florian Its funny how everysong reminds you of another song you might have heard before only the words are different
Was this guy the totally wack(y) one from Spain a year or two ago who did a terrible, clown-like 'reggaeton'? Spain is so crap for music (apart from flamenco) they have to rob their 'poor' relatives in latin america for ideas
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RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to andresito)
hehe i know...spain always amuses me...noone outside really cares about anything else they think they might have to offer musically..except for flamenco..yet they refuse to embrace that..i think you will never ever see flamenco representing them...the only thing they have that sets them apart and they wanna sweep it under the rug
at flamenco their great..at anything else they look like b grade 10 years behing america bad impresion copycats...just like 90 % of the contestants there
everything is a bad impersonation of what was cool 10 years ago in the us or in the club hitts..its like the trends got stuck across the sea and reached them 10 years later
yet i think they could acctualy have a chance if they did something.. flamenco popish with some good looking cantaoras and bailaoras..lol they got nothing to lose..they couldnt posibly score any lower
but god forbid should someone go in there and acctualy do something that means something and its not put on...or have a brunete flamenco country bumpkin represent this country where every tv presentor or moviestar is paroxide blond
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
yet i think they could acctualy have a chance if they did something.. flamenco popish with some good looking cantaoras and bailaoras..lol they got nothing to lose..they couldnt posibly score any lower
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
that he may very well be but he wasent playing on the night lol..i could be wrong but the sound was too studio quality, his moving while playing was too free..and oh yea...no sign of amplification or live sound..
Well, I really don't know, and you're probably right, but can't they do that with some wireless little gadget or something? Oh, who cares, it's just a bit of silly fun.
Anyway, a heated argument over this question would, I think, be very very bad for karma, duende etc. Duende might even lay a seven year ban on us.
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to farteindj)
lol yeah no i dont wanna mess with the duende
Oh, who cares, it's just a bit of silly fun
i know...thats exactly what i am doing
u could be right, i just assumed since every single time he sang and even when they played the cd in the press conference, it sounded exactly the same, as his live performance..same reverb same perfect sound
RE: Anyone else thinks Eurovision is... (in reply to Florian)
every single time he sang and even when they played the cd in the press conference, it sounded exactly the same, as his live performance..same reverb same perfect sound