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Its my moms birthday tomarow so i thought id retouch some of her original photos and print it and frame it and make it as part of the present ..
but anyway i am kind of proud of the transformation i uploaded the originals as i scanned em and the new ones wich are not finished yet still doing..but so far not bad ay !!? they will be perfect by tomarow..its amazing what u can do in photoshop and paint shop
is it just me cause shes my mom or was my mom Very pretty ?
whos the good looking kid with her
the Original
the transformation
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Posts: 3055
Joined: Aug. 30 2008
From: Boston, MA, U.S.A
RE: Thought id share something personal (in reply to Florian)
good work! thanks for sharing.
your mom actually looks very flamenco to me, with the polka dots and all. there's someone that she reminds me of, but i cant pinpoint it. she looks like she could be a singer or dancer.
RE: Thought id share something personal (in reply to at_leo_87)
I remember that video !! i saw it a long time ago, thanks for refinding it.. i love those technicolour 60's or 70 flamenco they looked like those postcards ..
there was something really glamorous about that era in flamenco
la tati was sexy i love the face expressions and the flicking of her hair
while we at it theres another oldie i been trying to locate..
its Pata negra i think in the 70/s or 80s some guys dancing bulerias to electric disco like buleria..its hillarious..
Posts: 3055
Joined: Aug. 30 2008
From: Boston, MA, U.S.A
RE: Thought id share something personal (in reply to Florian)
its Pata negra i think in the 70/s or 80s some guys dancing bulerias to electric disco like buleria..its hillarious..
very disco...seen it ?
i havent seen it but if you find it, do post it! i think it's so funny seeing flamenco from that era with guys like paco wearing bell bottom jeans and handkerchiefs around their neck. both very girly things by today's standards. lol.
RE: Thought id share something personal (in reply to val)
ORIGINAL: val She was beautiful then and I'm sure she is NOW. Guys - don't EVER tell an older woman that she must have been a stunner when she was young! It's the underlying message behind that that they hear.
God women are strange Aways seeing the cloud behind the silver lining! JK Val
Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England
RE: Thought id share something personal (in reply to val)
don't EVER tell an older woman that she must have been a stunner when she was young!
I was once going a bit wild on the dance floor and when I came to sit down a man said, "That was amazing, I bet you were really hot when you were younger." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry
But I think what he didn't realise is that with age I think you get a certain freedom. There's less to prove.