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Oh well, cool. I will look out for your guitar on ebay.
that reminds me of my husband when I'm having a hissy fit with the guitar and say "that's it I'm going to sell it on ebay". And he says, "no you mustn't do that...." and I'm thinking he's going to say it's because I show such promise and I'm so talented. Instead he says "I'd like to have it - just give it to me instead".
Of course it works because they I get territorial over MY guitar. MINE!! ALL MINE!!
Bear up ...... i even get worse sometimes without being sick or without having paused in practicing ...... its all mental i guess... have a break....have a kitkat
bursche I can tell you thats pretty normal when you get better.
An evidence is my following experiment!!!
I learned writing with the 10 finge system instead of searching with 4-6 fingers. I used a programm which gives me detailed statistics for every session I did. (I didnt learn it by writing jjjjfjfjffjfjjfjfjfjjfjjfjjfjffjfjfjfj I just wrote down normal texts very slow and tryed to increase the speed after I was able to find the keys with right fingers without looking at the keyboard.
And the results showed me that I got continously a little bit better after every session at the same day or in the next day. (I did 3 sessions a day each 20 minutes) ...( dont tell my boss ) So my writing speed got continously faster each session, each day. But after weekend-breaks, on mondays I was always a lot slower than on friday of the week before or even worser than on thursday of the week before. But after the 3 sessions on monday, on tuesday I got new best all time writing speed! And I increased it every day till friday. And this over ond over each week.
So.. your illness is like a weekend in your practicing time. Go ahead 3-4 days with good practice and you´ll see. You will be able to play it better than before your illness!
Im pretty shure about my awesome finding!! I think I will publish my results in some fancy news-journals!! hahaha
Doit, do you think there's a connection between typing speed and playing guitar? i type as fast as lightning but it doesn't seem to be as useful when playing guitar - while it's about the same things, association and control...if i was an outside observer i'd say they're definitely connected...
No, its a connection between any things we learn. Learning, playing the guitar, typing, a lenguage, playing a game, driving a car, whatever.
There cant be a continous progress without breaks where you get a little worser for a short period. You can only become really good if this doesnt shock you and keep learning!
I wrote it a bit with humor, but the message is serious and its like that. With everything you learn.
A question Jimi: Is there a naked girl hidden in your avatar??? I see a guitar, a naked girl and a person who throws his arms in the air andputs a very looong tongue out of his mouth coz of the naked girl. Man... tough avatar.. haha