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RE: Conde Questions
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RE: Conde Questions (in reply to jshelton5040)
Hola The story of Santos, Segovia and Hauser is recounted by José Ramirez in “En torno de la guitarra”. The original guitar, officially a Manuel Ramirez, (Santos worked in Manuel´s taller) was presented to Segovia in 1913. Hauser presented him with a guitar about the end of the 20s, which Segovia did not like. So Hauser asked to see Segovia´s guitar and measured it thoroughly. However, it appears that he did not make an exact copy, but used it as a basis, and presented Segovia with a new and different guitar every year. It was not until between 1934 and 1937 that he finally came up with a guitar which Segovia liked. Precisely the reverse happened with José Ramirez, who began to present guitars to Segovia to wean him away from the Hauser, but it was not until 1961 that Segovia returned to play a Ramirez. Suerte Sean
Date Feb. 13 2009 1:36:22
Posts: 2481
Joined: Jul. 30 2007
From: Marbella
RE: Conde Questions (in reply to RobJe)
Here is the Zavaletas version "So, in 1922 when Segovia brought this guitar to Sr. Hernandez for repair, Santos suggested that as he had made the guitar, he should be allowed to replace the Ramirez label with his own. Segovia refused, but did suggest that he could place his label inside the guitar, with the inscription repaired by Santos Hernandez, which is what Santos latter did. In the mid-1930s, Santos offered to build a guitar for Segovia. In 1935, during a visit to Madrid, Segovia invited Santos to come and see a new instrument, that a copyist in Switzerland had just made for him. Not only was it an exact copy of the 1912 Hernandez/Ramirez but, as Segovia waxed lyrical over its virtues, Santos grew increasingly insulted at Segovia's lack of interest in the classical guitar he was building for him, and decided not to show him the instrument. He kept the guitar, and referred to it thereafter as La Inédita, the unpublished guitar." That is pretty much as i described The next part of the story is not published in the Zavaletas web page. I'll post it tonight (from a source other than my memory) Also, I'm not trying to anger any Segovia fans but there is a tendancy to elevate his personality because of his musical acheivements. As a historical figure Segovia is supremely important in the story of the guitar. As a performer and artist he was the maestro of his day. His contribution to the development and use of nylon strings, recognition of the guitar as a classical instrument and addition to the repertoire are of incalculable value. However these great acheivements dont excuse some of his behaviour. As a man he was far from perfect. The Santos Hernandez story is only one of several questionble acts during his career and personal life. There are other incidents with Miguel Llobet, Barrios and Lorca which I found to be very contradictory. I lived next door to La Herradura where Segovia lived in the latter part of his life and met many neighbours who knew and interacted with him on a daily basis. From the things they said about his personality, I would believe that many stories of this kind are likely to be true.
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Date Feb. 13 2009 1:39:10
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