Jim Opfer -> RE: Bulerias por Solea (Jun. 10 2004 19:05:18)
Hi Phil, How's things? Tough question and as you suggest, no hard and fast answer. My take on this is: Solea por Buleria is a solea introduced into buleria, compas is the same so this can be technically achieved quite easilly, however, the feel has to be that of 'solea' ie that hint of sadness quite unlike buleria. Buleria por Solea in the reverse, buleria put into solea in other words, the mood changes to create an outburst. Buleria al golpe, I understand this to refer to compas counted in three's, silent beat 1 and golpe on cbeat 2 and 3. A bit like playing normal buleria with golpe taps on beat 1 and 2 then, index strike sounding the chord on beat 3 followed by golpe taps on beats 4 and 5. The same idea. My dancer however was taught that 'al golpe' is what I would refer to as Jerez ie. droping beat 6 in favour of 7 and 8. Mmmm...? Cheers Jim.