Ritmo Flamenco (Full Version)

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John O. -> Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 4:34:13)

Hey guys,

Long time no read, what's up? [:)]

I've been on the looking for any tracks with singing without guitar. I got the Ritmo Flamenco volume 8 and theres at least one track for each palo where the guitar is taken out for playing along.

Looking at the link it seems to have been discontinued.

Anyone know where I can get this? Does anyone have these or anything else of the like? If so it'd be great if I could just get the tracks without guitar. Thanks in advance!

John O. -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 4:37:01)

A-HA! Just found it on Flamenco World.

Still if anyone knows of anything else interesting let me know!

NormanKliman -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 7:44:20)

Hi John,

Some recordings separate voice and guitar in the stereo channels. When you listen to music you might want to check sometimes, shifting the balance full right or left to see what kind of mix is being used. If you hear just the singing in one channel, rerecord it that way. I suspect that not too many recordings are made that way nowadays, but I think plenty were up to about 1980.

John O. -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 7:47:30)

Cool, that's a great idea thanks!

Pgh_flamenco -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 9:07:47)


When you listen to music you might want to check sometimes, shifting the balance full right or left to see what kind of mix is being used. If you hear just the singing in one channel, rerecord it that way.

This is how people used the Jamey Aebersold play-along albums. Piano players were supposed to set the channel without the recorded piano--so they could play along with only the drums and bass line.

John, did you conquer Vienna yet?

John O. -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 9:18:12)

Instead of the hundreds of km to Vienna we opted for the much easier 40km to Darmstadt (translation = intestine city).

Things are well! Annual flamenco school presentation, concerts with three different groups and such, plus the move and working full time was brutal, things are cooling off now.

In Darmstadt I'm getting to know people too. The people here, in the flamenco scene too, are really great people (if one of them's reading this I get extra credit [:D]). There's a top guy in this area, Rainer Hawelka, haven't had the pleasure of meeting him yet, though. I'm more or less a guest player in a group here now - hopefully not just temporary, we'll see...

Pgh_flamenco -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 9:26:43)


Darmstadt (translation = intestine city)

What a name!

You're a great player--I'm sure you'll find your niche wherever you go.

John O. -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 9:34:00)

Thanks! [:)]

It's tough though. I've conquered as much technique as I need for now, that's less the problem. I'm not used to just sitting in to a 90 minute set, knowing where everything goes and having it all down after two rehearsals. That's the experience I'm trying to get now. No time to fly over to Spain for a half year, so I'm doing it the hard way...

Pgh_flamenco -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 9:38:31)

Rainer Hawelka--he has a Myspace page with a nice tune--modern with some jazz influences. There's a nice alzapua in the song, too.

XXX -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 15:42:10)


ORIGINAL: Pgh_flamenco


Darmstadt (translation = intestine city)

What a name!

I have another one: Luschendorf = Looser village
Or Deppendorf, which has the same meaning.

Florian -> RE: Ritmo Flamenco (Oct. 18 2008 17:41:02)

John Ritmo flamenco is an excellent training tool..very very useful...for so many reasons...follows the same idea that Solo Compas series but even better..expecially for a guitarists interested in cante and dance acomp

you can do it along with the guitar..u can try it by yourself with just the cante (and use the track to correct yourself against the pros, get ideas...for cante and dance accomp)

and the compas tracks alone are excellent too...and the music is really good too, the falsetas are beautiful...the best thing ever...expecially for guitarists, i think its the one of this educational series that acctualy ended up beeing most useful for us...

It comes with a dvd too... (the dances are good, i didnt really like the way they made the dvd...its a waiste of talent and good music...they keep cutting the dancing to highlighs, and the filming is done in a way that i didnt think made the dances much justice...and they are all excellent dancers)...

but still the series is excellent...they really put thought into it

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