Left-hand strengthening exercises (Full Version)

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Adam -> Left-hand strengthening exercises (Feb. 26 2007 4:53:08)

So I've been getting by for a while with a kind of weak left hand but this week my teacher and I are working on a soleĆ” that uses chords higher on the neck, and I'm really tired of getting such a bad sound when I do that. Even just a couple of chords and my hand's hurting already, and there's still a bunch of buzzing. So to strengthen it up I'm just chugging away at it, practicing over and over and playing through the pain to develop the strength in that hand, but I was wondering if anyone knew of exercises for the left hand to supplement this that would be more efficient at developing strength. Thanks!!

guitarbuddha -> RE: Left-hand strengthening exercises (Feb. 26 2007 8:21:27)

When you are beginning to barre you need to start playing the chords short, a good idea is to relax after each beat and reapply the pressure rhythmically( which is also good for synchronisation ).

Your muscles will strengthen if you do this. If you hold onto a chord for a long while after you are tired you will weaken. If you think of someone lifting weights they move the muscles through its full range of flexion/extension on each repetition. A runner or cyclist bulids strength and stamina through repetition.

If you hurt at all except in concert stop.

Rest until you feel better. Rest often for short periods to reflect on your performance ( five minutes inevery half hour is good ).

If you do not rest now you will find yourself with a repetitive strain injury which may not go away on resting.

Your teacher SHOULD have some good advice on this. I had a teacher who carelessly watched me develop strain injuries and I spent around eight years in constant pain because I used the technique that you describe ( the grin and bear it technique ).

It is much better to avoid it than to try and get rid of it.

Good luck and take care


Adam -> RE: Left-hand strengthening exercises (Feb. 27 2007 6:09:18)

Thank you so much David! Like weight training, that makes so much sense, hehe. I'll give it a go :)


edgar884 -> RE: Left-hand strengthening exercises (Feb. 27 2007 11:08:22)

Theres some good stuff here, try the left hand killer.


Rain -> RE: Left-hand strengthening exercises (Feb. 27 2007 13:46:29)

Remember that you are building muscle, and just like working out you need to let the muscles grow by giving it a rest. If your in pain, it may be time too Give It a Rest for a bit and work on another technique. When you come back to that particular technique, you should see a differance in strength.
Rest and let the muscle grow, then work it out again.

I approach technique like a work out, I excercise different muscles on different days.

Try it, it will work for.

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