Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Full Version)

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Florian -> Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:08:40)

Paco answering to someone ?


Florian -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:16:01)

If thats the real Paco ansewring il dye my hair red !! No Way !!

When you that famous you dont speak that freely about what u like and what you dont like on a public forum.

I dont know for sure but i would imagine is better traveled and more rounded and poses more tact when dealing with questions like that.

A pro knows how to get a point across without needing to put down other acts, not that he cant is just that Paco wouldnt need too, not to mention he probably wouldnt even know who Jessie Cook is lol.

duende -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:23:19)

Why I not answer? you ask question no? si, mi familia was poor but I work hard and my work has paid off. Before I am Francisco Sánchez, now I am PACO DE LUCIA! you work hard to. Now you are franck but soon you can be FRANCK!just work hard.

I no mean to discredit as you say. I just no like flamenco que no es flamenco.

Un saludo,


now your florian but one day you´ll be FLORIAN!!!! and i´ll be HENRIK!!!

I don´t belive a private man like him would answer like that.

Doitsujin -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:24:37)

You can let it black. It was just a bad joke.
Paco is:
1. professional, he would never answer like that.
2. his english is better than the person who answered
3. the real paco has no time to answer the question of some stupid kids who just wrote a bad comment
4. this isnt pacos homepage. So ow should he answere there? Do you think he has a deal with flamenco teacher. xxx?
5. Or he was is really and I die my hair red too!!

Florian -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:33:28)

Damn u Henrik, i made a post cause of you !!! he better not be or we both dead [:D][:D]

TANúñez -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:40:53)

Will you guys be quiet, your blowing my cover LOL.

JBASHORUN -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:45:08)


Sat, 01/13/2007 at 10:34:54 PM EST - Paco de Lucia writes:
Señor franck,

My tickets prices are high because yo soy Paco de Lucia! If you like cheap tickets you should go see the one they call Esteban or even ese hombre in Canada, Jesse Cook.

Un saludo,

LOL!!!![:D] What is it with these internet geeks impersonating famous people? First PDL, Camaron, etc have a MySpace page, and now they are answering posts on forums! Seriously, Paco doesn't have time for this crap. He is probably sitting in his villa sipping Faustino, playing bulerias for his daughter and counting his cash.

I doubt he has much time for anything else.


Doitsujin -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:49:37)


Sat, 01/13/2007 at 10:34:54 PM EST - Paco de Lucia writes

just check his tourdates and timezone. Im shure he had a gig when this person answered...

Florian -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 19:52:47)

HAHAHA Tanunez is that you really ?? hehehe

You MAD MAN !!! lol[:D]

Arash -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:00:30)

I think paco doesn't even made one post in his own foro in paco de Lucia forum. [:D]

koella -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:12:10)

the moment I went to the thread, there was this ad for his new TAB book. So I think it's a clever trick to draw attention to that book[8|]

Florian -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:14:08)

I want that book !! all 3 of them

Ricardo -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:14:11)

I seriously can't believe you guys are debating about this. Sarcasm is truely dying.

TANúñez -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:14:59)


What is it with these internet geeks impersonating famous people?

I'm not an internet geek [:(] just a practical jokester. As I suspected, no one thought I was the real Paco. I gotta tell you though, that felt great. The only time I'll get to be famous. If you want an autograph JBASHORUN, let me know [:D]

TANúñez -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:15:58)


I seriously can't believe you guys are debating about this. Sarcasm is truely dying.

My thoughts exactly. Hmmm....maybe I did fool some people. [8D]

Florian -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:17:00)

sorry Tanunez didnt mean to be a joke killer, if i had know it was you i would have shut up[:D]
i want a autograph please [:)]

Ricardo -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:20:39)

Florian, having revealed your level of gullability has got my wheels turning for some funny jokes to play on you. Look out in the future.[;)][:D]

TANúñez -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:21:03)


sorry Tanunez didnt mean to be a joke killer, if i had know it was you i would have shut up
i want a autograph please

No that's cool. I was going to quit anyway and admit it was me before I got banned from the foro. Hopefully Ramin will not be upset.

Florian -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 20:24:50)


Florian, having revealed your level of gullability has got my wheels turning for some funny jokes to play on you. Look out in the future

hehehe, il see you coming


Juan Martin -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 21:48:35)

Eh, Meesta Florian... whass thees you a bin sayin bout me? I send you my new CD of rumbas, then you see why I am numero uno, amigo!


legrec -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 22:09:02)

"Henrik, you play in pj's no? muy macho."

That sentence from "Paco" had killed me [:D]

TANúñez -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 22:10:33)


"Henrik, you play in pj's no? muy macho."

That sentence from "Paco" had killed me

Yeah, that Paco is a funny guy.

TANúñez -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 22:12:26)

Hey legrec, I've been meaning to ask you, can you explain your avatar? it's really cool and artistic. Who's guitar is that? and the face?

legrec -> RE: Ok This cant be the real Paco, can it ? (Jan. 14 2007 22:24:08)

Thanks Tom. It's a simple "collage" I've made in photoshop. The guitar is my Devoe negra (from the "Maine period"). The girl is nice, for sure. It's a photographer posting at the DeviantArt website (huge and great site, to find wonderful images in all genres).

The idea came cos' I was waiting for the Devoe to be shipped, and badly wanted to "feel" in advance the "alma" it would have. I must say I'm disapointed. The Devoe has a too much "macho" voice to look like that. Or perhaps...if I add some mustache and beard [:D]

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