estebanana -> RE: Black golpeador (Dec. 1 2024 5:58:58)
Funny, I reserved SFguitars as my domain name a million years ago, I didn’t use it, eventually it came up for grabs and they grabbed it. Some domain name Robin Hood pointed this out to me to buy it back. It was several years ago, but I vaguely remember some fracas about them being pissy about it, even after I pointed out my initials are SF. lol 😆 Anyway, I’ve heard it’s a better place to take electric guitars, than classical/flamenco. Without seeing the damage, I can say that today ( and in the past depending on who) you can get a lot of these ripped out wood situations restored so well you can’t tell it happened. If you ever want to remove the black plastic and have the top restored so that it’s whole again I can make a recommendation and how they do it. It’s probably not going to be cheap or fast, but it will be invisible and precisely color matched, correct refraction and color matched on the finish. An aside, working in Stewart Port’s shop for two years I saw dozens of vintage Martin, Gibson, Washburn etc that had pick guard replacements, not uncommon to see lifted out grains or chunks of missing wood on these because the stakes are low. Dark black or tortoise pick guards are always used, so the fellers that pop them off aren’t always too careful, there’s always going to be a dark opaque pick guard on there to hide the mess. Bearing that in mind, unless a primarily steel string repair shop has some special knowledge or experience with clear plastic tap plates I wouldn’t trust them to get it right. They start peeling up the plate and get over confident and rush it, then splinters get pulled up. They don’t stop to consider which solvent is correct or work with finesse.