RobF -> RE: Sociedad Pizarras y Flamendro (Oct. 4 2024 16:56:14)
It's been a long while since I've thought about this stuff but I believe Dolby originally was a pre-emphasis at source, de-emphasis at receiver scheme. You weren't supposed to run Dolby noise reduction on tapes that weren't recorded with it. I know AI is an unpopular term around here but signal processing really has come a long way since the days of cassette tapes. It's conceivable that processing could essentially identify and separate noise, although it might also have to recreate (probably with best guess) the original signal to some extent, meaning it wouldn't truly be as recorded. But I don't know, I haven't really been keeping up with this stuff at all in recent years, so no idea about the current state of affairs. It might be that tape hiss is very difficult to deal with but the snap, crackle and pop of old acetate presses might be more manageable. But, again, I'm out of my depth even talking about this so I probably should bow out of the discussion.