Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Full Version)

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constructordeguitarras -> Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 16 2024 21:52:19)

The 2024 Los Angeles Guitar Festival will be held May 17, 18, and 19, in Santa Clarita, California. I'll be there showcasing several of my guitars. So will Jason McGuire. And some great players, including Antonio Rey. Here's a link to the website: https://www.laguitarfestival.org/

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 19 2024 3:50:56)

Wish I had know about this three weeks ago…

Planed to be in SoCal just a week before this…

My family is on the south side of LA and San Diego so not exactly an optimal drive unless it’s 3:00am.

Have you done this show before? I’ve been to various trade shows around the world for the hospitality industry, they like to have fun and party but mostly it’s a lot of standing around…


constructordeguitarras -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 19 2024 19:26:42)


Have you done this show before? I’ve been to various trade shows around the world for the hospitality industry, they like to have fun and party but mostly it’s a lot of standing around…

I haven't done this show before. I did one similar event once and for the vendors it was a lot of standing and sitting around because that's what we do at our tables with guitars on them while people come around and see them. It can be tiresome, which is why I don't do this sort of thing often. This was me in Oregon in 2015.

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ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 20 2024 21:03:39)

Decided I’ll give it a go as a vendor.

Bringing a couple/few guitars will be a challenge all the way from alaska. Any good suggestions Ethen?


constructordeguitarras -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 21 2024 17:43:02)

Hey, great. It will be nice to meet you there.

I had the same concern about getting guitars there. Tavi Jinariu suggested that I send guitars to him and he would be happy to bring them to the Festival. So I am planning to risk bringing one on the airplane and to send one by UPS to Tavi. He also said he would drop it off at UPS for the return to me after the Festival (so I'll come prepared with a shipping label and packing tape). He would probably be happy to do the same for you.

Yeah, I know it's expensive, but then everything is. I feel like this is important and I don't plan to do it often.

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 21 2024 19:05:11)

Ya, looking forward to mixing it up with builders and players, although I’m a little apprehensive. It will be good to get some constructive critasism.

Thanx for the note about shipping, that will save me much trouble. I’ve reached out to Tavi

So, kinda funny, had been planing this trip to see my dad in so cal and was planning to do a layover in Seattle to stop in and see you, hadn’t figured it all out yet, anyway this will be great!


estebanana -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 22 2024 17:11:51)


ORIGINAL: ernandez R

Ya, looking forward to mixing it up with builders and players, although I’m a little apprehensive. It will be good to get some constructive critasism.

Thanx for the note about shipping, that will save me much trouble. I’ve reached out to Tavi

So, kinda funny, had been planing this trip to see my dad in so cal and was planning to do a layover in Seattle to stop in and see you, hadn’t figured it all out yet, anyway this will be great!


You’re going to go?
Good for you. You can meet Jason, he’s a lot of fun, and a spellbinding guitarist to sit with and listen to.

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Apr. 24 2024 3:10:21)

Ya, and going to be a first for me.

Caught me by surprise so I’m not prepared but I’m not worried about it.

Looking forward to hanging out and soaking up some playing that’s for sure.

I’m out in remote west alaska for a couple weeks away from my shop etc… it was the best of times, ot was the worst of times ;)


Filip -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 4 2024 6:40:53)

Looks interesting, thanks for sharing!
Luckily for me I will probably be in the area at that time since I'm visiting LA/US during next few weeks.

However I see that there is no separate access option for the vendor event like there is for the concerts, do you know if a full access pass is needed in order to visit the vendors during the festival? I am interested in Antonio Rey's concert and the vendor event, but getting a full pass only for these two might be too much for me.

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 4 2024 8:57:20)

Here is the the event coordinators email
Tavi Jinariu, LAGF director<info@eliteguitarist.com>

He has been vary responsive.


Filip -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 4 2024 19:39:06)

Thanks a lot! I've just mailed him and waiting for the response.

Filip -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 4 2024 22:51:15)

Tavi responded very quickly. Unfortunately, access to the vendor event is only possible with a full pass.

JasonM -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 6 2024 2:46:06)


Tavi responded very quickly. Unfortunately, access to the vendor event is only possible with a full pass.

That doesn’t seem right. Take a niche market and further pair down the herd by requiring a VIP pass.

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 6 2024 17:32:26)

Hmmm. I think Tavi has been running event for a few years so I’m guessing he has it figured out? But ya, Ive done a lot of trade shows as a vendor and the general public access was a big part of the foot traffic.

Thinking this market might be different though but no less rough, thank fifty or so introvert guitar builders with exquisite edged tool sharpening skills trapped in a hall for hours and hours having to listen to others banging away at guitars and someone’s string has got to snap ;) I’ll be wearing ear plugs…

My main reason for going to this event is less to market but a chance to see and play other builders guitars, listen and learn.


ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 6 2024 17:37:55)

One part of the show that is exciting/frightening is the pro players signed up to perform will be playing the vendor guitars. Not sure how that will work exactly but this is the kind of experience and feedback that is valuable to me as a beginning guitar builder.


JasonM -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 7 2024 3:57:36)

Sounds like a great event. Meet other builders and get pro feedback. Maybe Tony Rey will stop in and play an Ernandez?! Will Jason McGuire be playing or coming as a builder? He’s really been crankin ‘em out!

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 7 2024 6:11:01)

Ya, JM says he is bringing guitars and I read he would be teaching a class I think.

Filip -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 7 2024 19:03:17)

I was also a bit surprised that there's no free access or separate access ticket to the vendors event, but I get your point. I will probably not be able to attend all days which makes the full pass a bit too expensive for me, but on he other hand I would be really happy to pay entry to the vendor event if there were one. Anyway, I hope I'll drop by to see a concert at least and maybe meet some of the people from the foro for the first time.

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 16 2024 22:24:12)

Ok, was a bit of a race to get one last guitar done. Only taking two so my last pair of 666mm flamencas, the cedar one I just glued the bridge on and string up this am.

Red eye flight to LA, Burbank actually cause it’s way easier than LAX.

Say a prayer to the gods of surliness baggage gorillas please 🙏

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ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 17 2024 9:33:30)

Made it to the airport on time , of course tsa had to unpack the guitar boxes/cases, I figured they would but still..

And now this waiting waiting I’ll die in this this Casa Blanca… where was I? Oh ya, first flight TV delayed and so I’ll miss second flight, then I’ll miss my ride to the venue:/ But you know what this is the east part of traveling and who cares?

While I’m fungling around online I’ll tell you how I made up my latest golpedar One layer of 4oz/yd carbon fiber cloth laid up on a vacuum plate, next time I’ll do two layers or perhaps an insert just where the top gets hammered. Once I unbagged it I didn’t like how the surface looked, I didn’t extract enough of the resin so it was just a touch lumpy here and there. That was three days ago, today I had some time to kill so I took some 400g paper, red scotch brute, the OOOO SW and it cleaned up nice. Next I brushed a thin even layer of heat activated adhesive we use for aircraft fabric and leg it dry. Using a little hobby iron on its lowest setting I just layed the carbon piece there and tacked it down using one layer of paper towel between the cf and the iron cause and to protect the shellac should I get off the edge. Boom, took about 45 seconds, just loosened the strings cause.

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RobF -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 17 2024 14:40:26)

You're gonna make waves, Ernie. Also going to be a lot of fun. Good on you.

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 17 2024 17:18:07)

Sound waves amigo, sound waves ;)

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 18 2024 15:56:01)

Made it to the show yesterday. Got to meet some of my guitar building instagram heroes.

Made some new friends and no new enemies ;)

Jason M is a f’n hoot and a beast of a player. Was only able to play his Cyprus flamenca for a moment late last night and the man has nailed the low flamenco action I mean low and I hit the strings ugly and hard and hardly a sizzle.
Ethen is here and we had a good chat early, didn’t get a hand on his guitars but I will!
Hoping to play a lot of guitars today.

I’m terrible with names and met so many yesterday…

I was there early and it was just Pepe R jr and I he told me about how he became a luither rather than a performer, it’s his story but to paraphrase he said he traveled a lot as a child and youth and wanted to stay in one place with his own family and decided building was going to allow it. I think I was afraid to ask if I could play one of his guitar, I’ll get over it today!



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ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (May 22 2024 18:25:10)

Posted the following on the AR new recording thread but really should be here:

Saw AR at the LA guitar show the other day, about row five, close enough to hear his foot tapping…
The guy is a beast!
One hour thirty minute set and f’ if it didn’t seem like fifteen :/

One ever so slightly sour note and I just happened to be looking right at his face, in fact it might not have been obvious except for the twist in is facial expression. The man is human of course and his usual big smile when he is crushing it, you can tell the stoke he feels is amplified by the occasional jelos (spelling) and the applause between each song, he just kept turning it up one more notch.

Some acts just kill it on stage and find it a challenge to transfer that fire to media? I don’t have an answer, less of an opinion, but let me tell you I feel like a fool for not hitting record on my phone that night.


silddx -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Sep. 14 2024 23:33:18)

Sorry I am so late to this thread, how were your guitars received, Ron?

ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Sep. 15 2024 22:56:41)

No one spit in the ground after handing one of my guitars back to me ;)

I noticed a lot of people skipped my guitars, played one from the guy on my left then played on from the guy on my right… it was fairly obvious. But.

All the younger players and the teens played my guitars, came back and played them again. It was a stark difference, the half bald guys walked by but the cool kids ate it up.

The whole event was positive Tavi had most of it figured out, hung out with a variety of players and builders and I played a lot of guitars.

What I didn’t do that I regret is have more of the luthiers play my guitars. Jason Mcguyer played one of mine and gave me a couple pointers and some positive feedback.

The evening event where players played one of each luthier guitar was cool. I had to walk on stage and introduce myself and my guitar- I was just about struck stone with fright! The event organizer Tavi played my guitar and no one tossed tomatoes ;)
Ethens guitar was a standout for sure but I don’t recall who played his.
Jason M played one of his first guitars, hard to say, he could play that cardboard Torres and make it sound a canon ;)

The million dollar question is would I do it again? I’m kinda torn, it was vary short notice when I knew about the show so I wasn’t properly prepared, I’ve done a lot of similar trade shows so I’m not a stranger to the idea. I would like to see some luthier demos/classes next time, say 20-30 minute expose by each builder?

All and all Tavi put in a grand event and his welcoming hospitality made this small town Alaskan feel welcomed. At some point I was explaining to him a flaw in one of my guitars as he was playing mine, don’t recall what it was, but he looks up at me and says, never make excuses…


ernandez R -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Sep. 15 2024 23:13:10)

Tried to upload some fotos but got this:

error '80070070'
/js/PGDUpload.asp, line 328

silddx -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Sep. 16 2024 9:32:07)


Tried to upload some fotos but got this:

error '80070070'
/js/PGDUpload.asp, line 328

Yes it's a damn nuisance, been happening for months. Server's full apparently.

silddx -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Sep. 16 2024 9:34:01)

This is great to hear! Your guitars look amazing, and unique, but probably a step too far for the traditionalists.


No one spit in the ground after handing one of my guitars back to me ;)

I noticed a lot of people skipped my guitars, played one from the guy on my left then played on from the guy on my right… it was fairly obvious. But.

All the younger players and the teens played my guitars, came back and played them again. It was a stark difference, the half bald guys walked by but the cool kids ate it up.

The whole event was positive Tavi had most of it figured out, hung out with a variety of players and builders and I played a lot of guitars.

What I didn’t do that I regret is have more of the luthiers play my guitars. Jason Mcguyer played one of mine and gave me a couple pointers and some positive feedback.

The evening event where players played one of each luthier guitar was cool. I had to walk on stage and introduce myself and my guitar- I was just about struck stone with fright! The event organizer Tavi played my guitar and no one tossed tomatoes ;)
Ethens guitar was a standout for sure but I don’t recall who played his.
Jason M played one of his first guitars, hard to say, he could play that cardboard Torres and make it sound a canon ;)

The million dollar question is would I do it again? I’m kinda torn, it was vary short notice when I knew about the show so I wasn’t properly prepared, I’ve done a lot of similar trade shows so I’m not a stranger to the idea. I would like to see some luthier demos/classes next time, say 20-30 minute expose by each builder?

All and all Tavi put in a grand event and his welcoming hospitality made this small town Alaskan feel welcomed. At some point I was explaining to him a flaw in one of my guitars as he was playing mine, don’t recall what it was, but he looks up at me and says, never make excuses…


Manitas de Lata -> RE: Los Angeles Guitar Festival (Sep. 16 2024 11:17:21)

dont know how your guitars sound , but if i was attending an event of that kind , i would talk and try different guitars like yours , not the usual stuff.
after that i would try or not the usual guitars

unfort. you re very far away and tax import are crazy

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