Ricardo -> RE: Advantages of a 12 hole bridge? (Nov. 10 2023 14:20:25)
As RobF points out it is one way to fix a guitar whose setup is not good (either due to initial flaw or neck/top movement over time). You want to lower the bridge saddle but end up with too shallow a break angle, then new holes can be drilled etc. A similar fix is to use string ties (no looping you feed the string through the tieblock once and tie it to a bead type thing). So as a repair it is ideal solution vs changing the neck angle or making a new bridge etc. But Luthiers that build with this design of 12 or more (I have seen 18!) holes are thinking only about slightly increasing the Break angle by avoiding the traditional loop tie under the string that pulls up on that angled portion of string between the saddle and the tie block. Why? They are under the false impression that due to Physics, the break angle is proportional to sound volume output. Increase the angle increases downward pressure and more volume. This MIGHT have some small effect on PIEZO pickups placed under the saddle for acoustic-electric guitars, but I consider it a minor detail. More important is the flatness of the saddle and bridge Chanel such that you can properly sandwich the piezo so each string picks up equally. Many builders gave up trying that thing and use Mclish style pick ups, one under each string ala godin. In the end the break angle does not increase volume of acoustic guitars, so I feel that the 12 hole design in bogus. What increases volume output is increasing the action such that you have more dynamic range. This is a trade off of course, since playability is affected by the action.