silddx -> RE: sami koivisto guitars-anybody has experience with them ? (Aug. 23 2023 17:58:28)
You are wasting your time with this kinda question, old egg. In the hands of a good guitarist, any guitar will sound good. A guitar is about YOU. What YOU like to play. What feeling YOU get from it. You seem to have ignored others' suggestions, or at least not even acknowledged them. Some of the best guitarists play instruments you might find really nasty. I've played other pros' electric guitars and basses and many were horrible for me but they made them sound wonderful and they loved them. You need to try some guitars. You are a beginner, don't waste ANY CASH on an expensive instrument until you are more experienced and have more indication about what you want, what you like, and how to tell a decent guitar from a crap one. Just get yourself a Yamaha Flamenco. They sound ok and play really well. And you can sell it on later when you have a guitar more to your liking.