Florian -> RE: Hello Gents :) (May 17 2023 22:42:06)
Hey ☺️ Great to see you boys again x Life's been good no complaints, I kind of stopped playing and being involved with flamenco when I got married, had a new baby and a new mortgage, I was new at everything I didn't know how to do it all lol Now I have 2 kids, a 2 year old and a 8 year old this time around I feel like I'm picking up guitar for better reasons, purely for myself and the music itself. I have a long way back, practicing little basic things till it feels natural again but I love it, love the challenge Hopefully it teaches my son anyone can do anything and go back to the beginning if you need to 😂 So happy to see you boys still here x PS ..I did think of you during lockdown, I thought If anyone would be happy about lockdown would be flamenco guitarists, getting paid to stay home and practice which you would do for fun anyway. I would have loved it back when I was playing. My life was a lockdown lol.