Ricardo -> RE: Oud from Malta (Dec. 28 2022 20:08:14)
I actually thought the flamenco crew would be fascinated by this. Period instruments are fascinating, thanks for sharing. However, I don’t get excited as in “I have get that thing in my hands!”, as I do with proper guitars. Like in Breams Guitarra he plays these weird things like the vihuela and then FINALLY he gets to Bocherinni or whatever. I don’t really know what this prejudice is I have in me, but I don’t like Torres, or Gonzales, or even those early Jose Ramirez guitars, etc, it is not until I see Manual Ramirez style instruments that I get this sensation that I have to have that thing in my hands. As if all these other “things” are normal guitars trapped inside bizarre structures and that perfect guitar design is trying to get out. And as a kid growing up with classical guitars (Hauser and Ramirez mainly), it was the flamenco guitar design that really grabbed me, and still is…so it is not like some deep imbedded childhood thing, otherwise I would prefer those classical style designs more. The only weird guitar that gets me is the Geronimo Peña Fernandez. Again, not sure why.