Piwin -> RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (Oct. 26 2022 19:36:27)
I'm probably not the audience for this but best of luck! There are a lot more people here who lurk about in the background than people who comment, so who knows, maybe it caught someone's attention. Since you asked for comments, a lot of it looks good to me; the main things missing for me here would be right-hand indications (what rasgueado patterns are being used, direction of strokes while strumming, at least if anything unusual comes up, what finger do the picado runs start on, etc.). Some left-hand indications could also come in handy if beginner learners are part of your target audience. For instance, for you and me it's going to be obvious that the chord on bar 8 is played with a partial bar, but I'm not sure whether that's obvious to people less familiar with flamenco or not. Dunno if gp allows you to add that kind of info or not. I just skimmed over it, but as one last detail, I'm assuming there's a mistake in the chord on bar 13, no? I'm not even thinking of how it would sound. I'm just thinking that I have no idea how I would play that! Partial bar with m on the 3rd fret, I guess. Not sure I could pull that off. I don't have my guitar on me right now so I don't really know. It just stood out as unusual so I figured I'd mention it. Anyway, just my 2 cents!