RobF -> RE: Neck thickness (Sep. 25 2022 0:18:30)
Ouch. 20.5 in the centre? And how deep is the fingerboard? Barring doing some form of major surgery, which I don’t think is a good idea, some depth could be gained by replacing the fingerboard with a thicker one. Otherwise, as Ricardo said, you’re just going to have a shallow neck which may or may not be totally fine, depending on the wood, only time will tell. That’s probably the best option, especially if you’re approaching guitar making as a journey, after all, you are still learning in the process, and there’s a good chance it’ll turn out just fine. Just don’t taper, keep the thickness even because you’ll need that 20.5 at the nut, too. *edit* Actually, it occurs to me that if you replaced the fingerboard with a thicker one, you could use that as an opportunity to inlay a CF rod into the neck. If placed deep enough it could add strength, if you feel it’s needed.