ruger9 -> RE: Help identifying guitar- TATAY (Sep. 14 2022 12:18:12)
Wow, what a cool story! It would be interesting if there was a way to tell if this guitar has solid or laminated wood. I was in the market for a nylon, I was looking at the Cordoba Fusions... I am primarily an electric player, and the narrower neck would likely suit me better. However, since being gifted this guitar, and I know some of it's history now, I will definitely keep it and play it. The boat neck (no truss rod) will take some getting used to, but that's part of the experience... I need to clean it up, and replace the nut at least (it has been replaced previously, but it looks like a hack job- it's too low, I imagine the hack was trying to lower the action in 1st position).