Ricardo -> RE: The Expanse…spoilers. (Dec. 21 2022 17:42:49)
I’ll try to answer some things without spoiling it for you too much. First the creole…you know more than me so if you can imagine a more realistic scenario for the propagation of a race of people isolated from their original home, go ahead and apply it and pretend it is going on despite what it looks like on paper or TV. From my point of view, their basic jobs keep them close together so they don’t have much opportunity (time) to developed variation separate from each other…however collectively as a group they remain “out there” to collectively reinforce whatever general evolution happens to their language. Like slang in the ghetto could develop pockets of variation in different cities, but these belters are always coming back to some collective single city where they either incorporate the same variations or lose them. This because they need to return for food, air, water, unlike earthers. Now the gates are opened and you have pilgrims in various other systems, of course the language can now evolve as you suggest it should, but so will their physiology. Next the protomolecule technology is explained in detail throughout the series so I have to try to give you stuff that is not spoiling things. We never learn the physical biology of these protomolecule creators, obviously alien, advanced, and old. We don’t learn the true time frame, however lets imagine it took a billion years to seed the galaxy with this proto tech, and the way it was done is not revealed exactly but we can imagine it was “launched” physically and sort of randomly at solar systems (or possibly only at specific ones, we don’ t learn this either), from one of 1300+ spread out vantage points (gradually as more ring gates are opened we can imagine the seeding of the galaxy to expand exponentially). If you think that despite that the terrible distances would make such a thing take a long time (much longer than a billion years maybe) to land on any random rock like Phoebe or Earth, I agree. In the final book 9 a technology these creators had is revealed that might be involved that would significantly reduce that time frame, but I simply don’t like that aspect and have pushed it aside (and it is not suggested either, that is what it was used for). Lets say they produced enough of the material to send out and hit “something”, Earth would have been ideal, but any rock was ok, from the time of formation (4.5 billion years minus the time light took to reach the creators), till the time it was discovered on Phoebe. So a potential of that full time to have reached Pheobe from launch (they witnessed solar system formation and wishful thinking drove them to launch the stuff at it and it arrives soon before we find it). I could imagine a large web of the stuff yet it all is lost or destroyed or floating out there, except by chance the tiny bit that hits Pheobe. Once on the rock, the tech is inert. It remains inert until some biology contacts with it. So imagine that stuff seeded all over the galaxy to various degrees, waiting, inert. Once the gates are opened we see various places in the Galaxy the builders had, for a time, found safe harbor to establish other technology, usually around the planets that the biology originated from. If a biology was already established, as we saw with humans, it takes them over pretty much. If they were advanced enough, where are their gates/tech? How could they fight if their home world was infected with protomolecule tech? And we don’t know that there were not “wars” as you suggest…but based on what is found in the 1300+ gates, the proto builders were the first and most advanced biology in the galaxy. What we learn is that the ring space that they create with energy affects the higher dimensional entities negatively, and the vision Holden had at ring station relates what happened because of this. This drama plays out in the last 3 books in detail.