paleto3 -> Flamenco rhythms (Nov. 18 2021 21:28:04)
Hi all, Not long ago, I saw a Facebook post by Cepillo, Gerardo Núñez's preferred percussionist in which he was offering to make rhythm tracks for flamenco guitarists. I inquired and he made me one for Tres notas (Vicente), another for a collection of jaleos/bulerías falselas I play by Vicente, another for a guajira/corranda that is a fusion of a guajira sung by Argentina, and then baroque lute music by Sylvius Leopold Weiss, the Bach contemporary and lute player also from Germany, which I have arranged in alternating sections and which I will be playing for events soon, then a cantiñas by El Pele and Vicente. I told him to post on the Facebook site for the Foro figuring you guys would jump at the chance to have someone of that caliber make rhythms for you. He said he had no requests, which surprised me. I would have thought some of you would like to have some made for you. Does anyone have a comment, question, or possibly didn't see his post? Here's his Facebook for a quick link if anyone wants to make a request: Just send him a message inquiring about "audios de ritmos". If you don't speak Spanish, use Reverso, or Google Translate, they work pretty well. I have had him make several as outlined above, and he is currently making me another for the fandangos by El Pele and Vicente named - Que bien te suena. They've all been super accurate and using some EQ after, which is typical for any recordings, and they sound really, really good, all the things we want from percussion. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have and to encourage you to have him make them for you to practice, for study, for performance when you can't have a percussionist, or even for a recording project if you're interested. Let me know any questions you may have. Regarding pricing, you'll need to ask him directly because a lot depends on complexity and more. However, I will say I find his pricing to be very reasonable. It's not out of reach for most anyone. -Anthony