RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Full Version)

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duende -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 13 2006 14:42:14)


and Henrik i love the way you play, i dont care what they say about u.

QUE PASA?![:D] who says what?!

Florian -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 13 2006 15:04:38)

[:D] People, but dont worry !!! i always defend you cause u my friend and i love u, I would buy your cd !!! even if i am the only one.. because thats what friends do for eachother even if they dont like eachothers music, they make eachother feel good about themselfs..

I will always be there to lift your confidence when everbody else puts it down.

Cause i am your mate , i love u. (not in gay way)

John O. -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 14:03:05)

I never really understood the fights that can happen in flamenco forums. To be passionate is one thing, but I think something's wrong when it turns into anger. I see angry posts which must have taken hours to type up (I'm doing this here at work, so it doesn't count [;)]), so many hours better spent practising.

I inherited my over-politeness from my pops which can come over as pretty superficial sometimes. My mom's a battleaxe [:D] but I missed out on those genes... Just don't feel like stepping on people's toes and keep a lot of opinions to myself - I could probably contribute more if I were more open.

When fights start (even aimed at me) I try to ignore them, especially when they get personal. Life's too short to get uptight about the opinion of somebody you'll likely never meet.

Love and respect to you all

Florian -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 16:39:03)


I totaly respect what you are saying and your character and even agree with parts of it, but i am at the point now of, life is also to short to pretend like you agree with someone just to not make waves.

I for one would like to know what you really think, even if u disagree with me.

I am not saying u have to fight or be rude but u can still argue a point quite politely.

Here at the forum i think the most important thing to be is yourself and use common sense and know how to not cross the line.

Same goes for everyone, everyones ideas and opinions are encouraged and infact necesary, otherwise u only get 9 views out of 200 users that are visiting.

John O. -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 17:21:34)


life is also to short to pretend like you agree with someone just to not make waves

Depends on who you're discussing with. Germans love discussing things and a difference of opinion can take a very LONG time [:D]

I'm not so bad that I'd listen to a horrible sounding upload and reply "perfect!". I'd write "Sounds great, but..." Couldn't see myself writing it was bad, even if true. It's like throwing in a little positive to make the negative go down better.

On the other hand, if someone writes some sort of "Flamenco player X isn't really gitano" doo-hickey I'd tend to reply "Okay, whatever" [&:]

This J150177 tag is bothering me. I'm gonna change my handle to something cool. Any suggestions?

Florian -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 17:44:18)


This J150177 tag is bothering me. I'm gonna change my handle to something cool

i am glad u feel that way cause its bothering me, is very hard to remember excpecially if there was an J150176.

How about one of your names ? not your surname if u are worried about beeing anonymus.

or if u wanna go for the spanish thing, EL Germano

John O. -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 17:53:11)


especially if there was an J150176

Ha, what a coincidence that'd be, exactly one year older with the same first initial [&:]

John's so darn boring. Haven't quite earned a Spanish nickname yet...

So let's make it more exciting with the last initial - John_O....

XXX -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 18:12:57)

LOOL, I thought the numbers should represent letters! I wasted days and nights about thinking what "J1153427345" would be [&:]

XXX -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 18:25:48)

Watch out, not that you become a splitted personality now [;)]

John O. -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 18:29:57)

What?!? Where am I? Who are you???

Miguel de Maria -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 20:23:52)

John, I think you should change it to Superman. I will never forget that photo that you uploaded!

John O. -> RE: Flamenco forums and people come and go (Feb. 14 2006 22:05:03)

SUPERFREAK!!! Here I come to save the day! I could at least use it as my profile pic.

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