Ricardo -> RE: Sequential plant vs. full plant (Dec. 10 2017 18:49:22)
ORIGINAL: callemunicion Is there any argument that sequential plants for pima and pimami arpegios are better than full plants? The only guitarist who does only seq. plants i know is nunez, is there a reason for that? except the note ringing thing of course. It is simply a superior technique if you can develop the speed of it. More complex music can be done, though I admit it is not essential for traditional flamenco generally. A simple 16th phrase like this requires it, a-m-i-m,a-m-i-m, etc E--------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------- G-0-------------0-------------0------------- D-----2-----2------2-----2------2-----2-etc A--------3------------3-------------3-------- E-3------------------------------------------- FYI, Nuñez no longer can use his index as before and avoids these arps. However, in his prime he could do the above at similar speed as p-a-m-i type arps.