RE: I'll miss this place.. (Full Version)

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RobJe -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 18:46:21)

Thanks for everything Simon. You have given us a great space to talk about Flamenco.


Jurriaan -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 19:15:51)

For me the foro has been an amazing place to learn about flamenco and to interact with people who share the passion all around the world. Special thanks go out to Simon for hosting the foro and to JG and Ramzi for sharing a lot of falsetas that I have learned from them.


Jurriaan (Jorge Witman on the FB foro), Amsterdam

tele -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 19:29:41)

Someone with the skills and time might start a new forum, if the closing decision is final.
example of forum software
If it comes down to money, I'm sure most of us would want to contribute something to keep it alive longer?

First of all this forum is very valuable resource of knowledge which is priceless for someone who wants to learn about or to play flamenco, I learned here alot.

Dudnote -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 19:34:00)


I wish I had expertise in IT to help. But I'd be way out of my depth with that sort of thing. If ever there is a plan some day for something, I'd be more than happy to contribute, in whichever way a lay person can.

I wonder who here has the right IT skills so this wouldn't be learning on the job? Or enough time & dedication so that this wouldn't sink early on? That said, that site claims it makes things easy, so why not???

Anyone feeling brave enough to become Simon Chico?

Kiko_Roca -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 19:48:58)

I've been mostly a lurker for the past... geeze, I don't even remember how long - around 2000-2005 sometime I think was when I first found this group. Sad to hear but understandable. I wish there was some way to help preserve the information here, but I don't have much beyond the most basic web design skills.

Will folks be anywhere online besides facebook? I don't personally have an account with that service. I do frequent the flamenco board still ( but activity is pretty low there.

Cheers all, and thanks Simon!

kitarist -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 19:57:06)




I wish I had expertise in IT to help. But I'd be way out of my depth with that sort of thing. If ever there is a plan some day for something, I'd be more than happy to contribute, in whichever way a lay person can.

I wonder who here has the right IT skills so this wouldn't be learning on the job? Or enough time & dedication so that this wouldn't sink early on? That said, that site claims it makes things easy, so why not???

Anyone feeling brave enough to become Simon Chico?

Yeah you don't need any special IT skills to start a continuation foro (without the old information of course, so it is starting from a blank slate) at the site I mentioned. I think even the structure(*) can be replicated - this is all part of the admin features which I am sure are user-friendly (meaning no coding needed or an understanding of it). I was just assuming that Simon would like to do that rather than some random person. IT skills only come in if one wants to make the existing database - a treasure trove of priceless flamenco info to be sure - available as a separate project in some form. As for somehow uploading it to the new hosting place - even if that gets the green light from the forum hosting company - it still means writing some translation script as it is not likely that the company is running the same database solution. That would also require an IT person.

(*) By structure I mean this:

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sig -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 19:58:07)

Very sorry to hear this news. I have not participated here much in the past few years however when I joined I found it a very helpful and knowledgeable place. Too bad the good things are sometimes ruined by just a few selfish individuals. Anyway good luck to all my fellow members in the future.

Piwin -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 20:07:18)


IT skills only come in if one wants to make the existing database - a treasure trove of priceless flamenco info to be sure - available as a separate project in some form

On the other hand, keeping that precious backup off the internet for a while just might force us to post some actual flamenco stuff. By "us", I mean those of us who have been half-assing it and posting more in the off-topic than in anything else. Me? Naaaah. [8D]

johnnefastis -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 20:25:12)

Thanks for everything you have done to keep this going until now Simon.

Like many others I have made many friends from here, I still vividly remember when John Walsh turned up to stay at my house to do a workshop in Manchester after we had chatted on here. I thought to myself wow I really have met someone real from an internet chat room thats now going to sleep in our house. It worked out great and we have been friends since.

Personally I love how it is not tied into the algorithms of Facebook marketing and found it to be really clear and focused despite all the random stuff that gets discussed. There is so much good material here that you would never be able to rummage through on another platform.

Thanks to all the helpful people here who have been prepared to share so much help and knowledge.

I am on Facebook as Simon Blackmore.

Will match up my profile pics so anyone here can find me and say hello.



Dudnote -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 20:59:44)


ORIGNAL: kitarist


I was just assuming that Simon would like to do that rather than some random person.

I guess we'd need a yes/no answer from Simon on this option before anything in that direction could happen. Finding old threads on facebook could be quite a pain in the butt, and without the structure the luthier stuff will get mixed with the solo stuff & cante stuff etc so alternatives like this could well be worth looking into.

kitarist -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 21:02:19)




ORIGNAL: kitarist

I was just assuming that Simon would like to do that rather than some random person.

I guess we'd need a yes/no answer from Simon on this option before anything in that direction could happen.

YIKES, I see how this reads as you seem to want to take up the mantle - I wasn't suggesting that you are a random person here! [:o] [:-]

Dudnote -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 21:06:19)


ORIGINAL: kitarist




ORIGNAL: kitarist

I was just assuming that Simon would like to do that rather than some random person.

I guess we'd need a yes/no answer from Simon on this option before anything in that direction could happen.

YIKES, I see how this reads as you seem to want to take up the mantle - I wasn't suggesting that you are a random person here! [:o]

Not at all sure "want to" is anything like the right words here. But, like you, just trying to contribute to a discussion of options. And if the randomness of my torque is anything to go by ... [;)]

It would be great to hear Simon's thoughts on your proposal, and the one suggested by Tele.

kitarist -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 21:16:46)

BTW I think (tele's suggestion) is just a forum software but does not come with a hosting platform. Whereas the flamenco foro issue here is not the software, but trying to pass on the workload re: security to a hosting company.

soclydeza85 -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 21:27:13)

I just started playing flamenco maybe 7 or 8 months ago and this site has been pivotal in my learning and still is. I may not have posted much here but I read stuff on here just about everyday; so thank you to the creator(s) of this site for all that it has to offer.

I just wanted to say that if someone decides to start a Foro2.0 and it requires some funding, I'm willing to make a donation. I belong to another forum (nothing to do with flamenco) that had something similar happen and the 2.0 version ended up being very successful, so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible in this case.

Andy Culpepper -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 22:21:56)

I will cross-post what I put on Facebook:
Simon, a huge thank-you for the all the work you put into it all these years. I'm sure a lot of people including myself will miss it like crazy, but we understand the decision you had to make. It's the end of an era..:( I can 100% say I would not be where I am today without the Foro.

A great resource but much more than that. Without the Foro I never would have gotten to know the flamenco community that is out there scattered all over the globe. I never would have sold my first 10-12 guitars and likely would not be making guitars today. It's actually scary to think about what my life would be without ForoFlamenco.

El Kiko -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 22:43:05)

WHAT .????.............. i went away for a few days and come back to this ....
.. There must be some way ,... surely...with all the tech in todays world ..

we'll have to make a list of emails ... and all that ...
stay in touch ...
..what will i do? .. where will i go?
This is like the baliffs coming around to make you homeless...
. ..
we will play our guitars on the beaches,
We shall go on to the end and the remate
we shall play near the seas and oceans,
we shall play with growing confidence and growing strength, whatever the cost may be,

we shall play in bars
we shall play in the fields and in the streets,
we shall play in the plazas and squares
we shall never surrender,
We shall not go quietly into the night , we shall have FOROFLAMENCO DAY ...
.I thank you all .(mainly for putting up with me )

and Simon, most of all ...

El Senor Kiko

Dudnote -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 22:53:26)


we will play our guitars on the beaches,
We shall go on to the end and the remate
we shall play near the seas and oceans,
we shall play with growing confidence and growing strength, whatever the cost may be,

we shall play in bars
we shall play in the fields and in the streets,
we shall play in the plazas and squares
we shall never surrender,
We shall not go quietly into the night , we shall have FOROFLAMENCO DAY ...


estebanana -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 23:47:32)

Bravo Simon.

As for the rest, I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. Carry on.

Piwin -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 1 2017 23:57:11)


I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

Sneaky little hobbitses.
I'll miss your posts estebanana. I just might have to come annoy you on Facebook now.

JasonM -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 0:56:25)


I respect your concerns on propagating stuff out to the web, and now is a good chance to expunge it all. Maybe we could archive stuff to a password protected google drive. I mean, all these post have been here open to the public for many years -- and there's only like 20 people left who care about it . Plus,I just started building my first guitar damnit. It would be nice to go back and read your post on flamenco specific stuff.

JasonM -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 1:00:23)

Someone mentioned Reddit, might be a good option since it has threads and nobody needs to do much admin

constructordeguitarras -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 2:18:52)

Oh no, this is terrible news. I have felt at home here. Damn those hackers.

Anders Eliasson -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 6:11:37)



I respect your concerns on propagating stuff out to the web, and now is a good chance to expunge it all. Maybe we could archive stuff to a password protected google drive. I mean, all these post have been here open to the public for many years -- and there's only like 20 people left who care about it . Plus,I just started building my first guitar damnit. It would be nice to go back and read your post on flamenco specific stuff.

Do whatever you want, Iḿ not going to stop anything. With my two login names I have been a member since July 2003 and posted + 10000 times. I would prefer that either the foro continues as it is or that it will be allowed to die in peace as the fine old lady it is/was

IMHO a totally fresh start from the bottom would be the best. Life goes on. Enjoy it that way. we are all gonna die and thats the beauty of it all.

Echi -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 7:04:59)

Simon, first of all a big thank you.
Secondly, let me say that this foro is a treasure of infos which is doing a lot for the web flamenco community.
It took 14 yeas for it to become what it is and it’s a sincere pity to throw it away like this.
I mean, it’s the written memory of a lot of knowledge and it shouldn’t be lost.
Good luck

Escribano -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 7:11:23)

Piwin -> mailing list for new forum (Nov. 2 2017 8:25:14)

as you've seen above in this thread there are discussions starting up already about creating a new forum or doing something to try and keep the community going. We'd be starting from scratch and would be on our own. Simon has graciously suggested that we use the foro's Facebook page as a starting block for these discussions. I'll be opening an account shortly to try and help if I can. The address of this potential new forum could also be announced on that Facebook page.
So if you want to take part in any of this and stay informed, get on Facebook!

However, there might be some of you who are Facebook-averse and would still like to be informed if we manage to set up another forum elsewhere. If that's your case, then feel free to send me an email with you contact info so that later on I can send you the new forum's address (if we ever reach that point of course). No flamencos left behind! [8D]
Since I don't know how many of you will be interested in being on this "mailing list" (could be nobody, could be 100, I just don't know), please don't use the "E-mail user" button (don't want to risk my primary account being flooded). Instead, please write to the following address:

(I knew that ridiculous secondary account would come in handy some day!) I don't need any info other than your email address and just a line saying that you want to be informed if and when another forum is created. And I wouldn't use your email address for anything else than that 1 email giving you the new forum's address (or telling you that the idea's been dropped, whichever the case).
And just so were absolutely clear, this isn't me setting myself up to administer the new forum (vote Dudnote!). This is just me taking addresses for anyone who wants to stay informed without having to join Facebook.

Haithamflamenco -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 9:02:44)

[:(][:(][:(] oh nooo, close,

then moraito died,

then paco died,

now foro will be closed ! oh no,

foro is my flamenco home, i grew up here, i learned flamenco here [:(],

closing it its like leaving my hometown,

i feel so lost now, i will lose all the guys here[8|][&o]

Simon, man , you gave us everything, you are a big part of Flamenco preaching to the world,

the messenger of flamenco, thank you man , thank you.

I just dont feel good, i couldn't sleep well yesterday , its been 10 year here 2007 to 2017

if there is any chance we can donate! or do something to help ,

any guys please keep in-touch with me


instegram: bahrainguitarshop

goodbye all [&o]

dedicated to you all foros : (haitham - Aguilucho) : El dolor, el llanto, la pobreza y la muerte . Tarantas

also my bulerias

orsonw -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 9:25:32)

We will have access to all 'guest only' threads. There is no search function but it can be browsed. It has been archived by Simon here:

I suggest we could start a new forum as suggested by kitarist.
Over time we can link back to the archive.

I suggest that any non-accessible 'member only' threads that individuals find valuable could be copy and pasted now while this foro is still up. Then uploaded to the new forum once that is up.
E.g Kitarist has already saved the sound files for the cante accompaniment thread.

Escribano -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 9:33:40)


I suggest that any non-accessible 'member only' threads that individuals find valuable could be copy and pasted now while this foro is still up. Then uploaded to the new forum once that is up.
E.g Kitarist has already saved the sound files for the cante accompaniment thread.

Please be aware that you do not own the posts here. They are owned by the respective members, who have agreed to post them here and nowhere else.

If you publish them somewhere else, you should seek their permission and mine. Especially if those posts are in the members-only sections, which even Google does not index.

I cannot provide this data to anyone else at this point and I am taking advice on this aspect.

Anders Eliasson -> RE: I'll miss this place.. (Nov. 2 2017 9:45:49)


Please be aware that you do not own the posts here. They are owned by the respective members, who have agreed to post them here and nowhere else.

Thats exactly what I meant. Dont rush into something that may end up creating a lot of problems. This forum doesnt deserve that and an eventual new one doesnt deserve it either
I havent decided wheater I would like my old posts to be posted somewhere else. But my gut feelings are that a new forum would be best off with a fresh start.
All the best

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