BarkellWH -> RE: Raise a Glass to France! (May 9 2017 15:54:24)
As mentioned in my earlier post above, there is much more than just her anti-immigrant stance that places Marine le Pen on the Far Right. Nevertheless, I think a distinction must be made between legal immigration in accordance with a nation's immigration law and regulations, and unchecked illegal immigration. I have always supported legal immigration to the United States, as I think it enhances the gene pool! And the U.S. has a very generous immigration system, taking in approximately one million legal immigrants annually. In the U.S., we don't need a "wall" on the southern border to check illegal immigration. All it would take would be implementation of the law already in place to heavily sanction employers of illegal immigrants and use of the "E-Verify" system that would catch illegals seeking employment via a name check against valid Social Security numbers. To fill the unskilled employment gap we could increase the visa numbers to legally bring in seasonal and other workers as field hands, harvesters, and other lower and unskilled labor as needed. I do think that France, Italy, Germany and other European countries have to get a grip on the unchecked illegal migrants that come from everywhere, from Syria to a half dozen African countries. It is not Europe's responsibility to take them all in just because they show up on the shores of Italy and Greece, many of them are just seeking economic opportunity. In my opinion, Angela Merkel made a huge mistake when she publicly stated Germany would accept 800,000 Syrian and other illegal migrants in one fell swoop. Some are refugees under the United Nations definition, but many are simply fleeing poverty and harsh conditions. As much as possible, immigration should be via appropriate procedures and should allow for a process of integration and assimilation into the accepting country. And I strongly believe that immigrants have a responsibility to accept the social mores and culture of the host country. It is not the host country's responsibility to bend its social mores and culture to fit that of the immigrant who refuses to accept those of the host country. Bill