bluespiderweb -> I confess...last played-not Flamenco (Mar. 24 2017 18:04:00)
The last I played my guitar it was not Flamenco, but Hawaiian Slack Key. The guy who influenced me there most was Moses Kahumoku, and the song is one he composed and performs, Pohakuloa. I love his style and chops-he even has a Flamenco influence in his style that just sounded right to me back when I first heard him, and he has remained my favorite artist in the genre.
Here's Pohakuloa on youtube;
If you haven't heard him, go to youtube and do a search for anything on the Ho'okupu CD (The Gift). It is one of the only couple ones he had recorded before his career was put on hold, and it is an amazing album. Slack key certainly is a lighter feeling music than Flamenco, and it just makes me feel good listening to it. Moses is back playing again, but I think it's been more personal appearances for live shows in Hawaii than recording. He's definitely in his prime on this CD-you can just hear it.
There's a nice Hawaiian music forum here if anyone is interested:
I get a lot of pleasure listening to Flamenco too, but it's different, and it seems more brooding and mood driven, actually more true to my normal day to day feelings. Hawaiian music does seem a bit contrary to my nature, but I do love it, and it does make me feel happier when I tune into it.
I do usually like a lot of music in minor keys (and playing in them)-brooding and moody and all that-and even listening to that makes me feel good too, just not happy or elated. Just don't ask me to listen to show tunes, most musicals, or the older Pop singers (Sinatra, etc) unless it was some his early stuff, or the old crooner, Bing Crosby (my favorite).
Anyway, just another hello here-and hope some might get some enjoyment from the Slack Key Guitar mentioned. Aloha!
Just do it Mark-whatever pleases you-just try to play along or even improvise-nothing is written in stone, and just follow your own path....just make music that pleases your ears-no one is the judge here except you. Enjoyment is #1, the rest will fall into place as you go through the process. Have a blast, and enjoy!