Ricardo -> RE: Angel Romero playing a Hermann Hauser II (Dec. 13 2016 16:58:13)
Hauser shmowzer ..... conde is the best lol. They are pretty good. They are "easy" to play, as per these two vids I mean, and based on my experience, because they are very "alive", meaning, they ring out a lot, very bright, sustain a long time, have a very short scale, and are compensated to the extreme, without overpowered bass. I can certainly hear a sameness to the sound in these examples between hauser I and II, to the ones I have played. The second video above the guy describes segovias recordings "from the 60's and 70's", implying the Hauser qualities, but in fact you are dealing with higher fidelity and the Ramirez III's that he had been trying since 1961. In fact in Ramirez's book it seems Segovias Hauser had gone a bit sour with Wolf tones or some other nonsense. Ricardo